Good days Bad days

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Y/N wake up today not feeling the best but she knew that she had to work. As she got ready, everything was not going her way: the hot water wasn't working for a shower, she didn't have enough food for breakfast and her coffee maker was now broken. "Just great..." She whispers to herself as she just grabs her keys and head to the daycare. When she got there, she was soaked because it all of a sudden began to rain and she forgot to check the weather forecast. She took off her sweater immediately after she entered her class, seeing that the children were already having fun, squealing and running around. She tried to keep her cool so that she didn't  do any unnecessary actions towards them. But she spoke way too soon. After just a few short minutes, the kids were screaming, running all over the place, causing chaos left and right, starting to make her overwhelmed and overstimulated. It was slowly eating at her as she tried to get everything back in order but something inside of her just snapped...She quickly leaves the classroom, closing the door behind her as she leaned against it, trying to calm herself  down as she was now crying from having such a bad day. She shouldn't be this way and running out shouldn't have been an option. She felt like she was being a terrible person acting this way, but she continued to let the tears fall. After a few minutes of composing herself, she wipes the tears off of her face, takes a deep breath and heads inside, only to be tackled by hugs from all the kids. "We're sorry, Ms. Y/N, we didn't mean to make you sad." Howdy says as the rest of the class agrees. She couldn't help but smile gently at them. "You guys didn't make me sad. I'm just having a really bad day. It's okay to have those sometimes and all we need is just a little down time. But you guys made it better by apologizing and hugging me so I really thank you for making my bad day better." She says as she holds them in a big group hug. Then out of nowhere, the sun starts to come out, making everything feel alright again. It even make her mood 100x better than before. She was very thankful to have such understanding kids and to remember that she wasn't alone in this moment. She soon gets up and starts her new lesson for today, hearing cheers from all the kiddos. After work, she heads home and sees that her coffee maker was now working properly, she remembered that she had some leftovers and the hot water was on again. "Maybe my luck is starting to change.."She says to herself as she chuckled.

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