Y/N's Ex (Eww) pt.2

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A lot of happening around Y/N after she moved to her new place. Amazing job, amazing neighborhood, anything she could ask for. But she felt lonely as her mom wasn't as close to her. She remembers how she left their last conversation and feels awful about talking to her mom that way. She didn't deserve that so she picks up her phone and texts her:


Y/N: Hey mom, how are you feeling?

That message made her anxious, hoping that she would answer her. It only took a few seconds to hear a 'DING' from her phone.

Mom: I'm doing well, thank you. How's everything over there?

'She never messages this nonchalant. She still might be mad.' Y/N thought as she responded.

Y/N: Everything is wonderful. But I wanted to apologize for how I acted before. It was just a stressful day and it was unfair to react that way when you were only looking out for me. I miss you terribly.
Mom: I miss you too, sweetheart.
Y/N: I have an idea! Why don't you come visit me? I can show you around town and we can catch up on everything I missed.
Mom: That's a great idea! Just text me the location and I'll book a flight right now.
Y/N: Great! It's (neighborhood city name),(State)
Mom: Alright then, I'll see you soon then, Y/N. I love you!
Y/N: I love you too, mom. Good night!

Y/N now is filled with excitement as she is going to see her after a few months away. A few days pass and she drives to the airport to pick up her mom, immediately running to her and hugging her tightly. "Hi, mom!" "Hi, honey! You look a little skinny, haven't you been eating?" She asks as Y/N rolls her eyes. "Yes, I've been eating enough everyday. Now, let me get your suitcase and we'll bring our tour." Y/N mentions as she leads her to her car, driving her back to her place. She points out the grocery store, the library, the many bakeries and cafe's they have there, but her mom was a bit quiet the entire trip. "Hey, you okay, mom?" She asks. "Oh, yes. I'm fine, dear. But...there is something I wanted to mention to you...I also mentioned this to Alex." She was then paused by a jolt and loud screeching of tires as Y/N stopped the car in shock. "YOU WHAT?! MOM, YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!" She yells as she continued driving so she doesn't block the road. "Do not use that tone of voice with me, young lady. I do not know what happened between you two but I'm sure it's something that can be worked out." "Mom, I do not talk to him for personal reasons but yet here you are, still wanting me to give him a chance when he broke my heart. Why do you want us to be together so badly?" "Because he can take care of you. He can be a provider, like your father was." "I can provide and take care of myself. I don't need a man to prove that I am worthy of being a person." "I know but..." "No, mom. This conversation is over." "At least....try to hear him out." Her mom says before Y/N lets out a heavy sigh and responds with, "fine." The rest of the car ride was awkward until they finally reached Y/N's apartment. Even the dinner they had together was awkward. The next day finally arrives and Y/N had to come into work because one of the helper's called in sick. She left her mom a note on the fridge and immediately headed to the daycare. When she headed inside, she saw the last person she ever wanted to see: Alex. The blood in her face moved away from her face, making her pale and her heart increased to a million miles a minute. She felt all the pain, anger, hatred towards him come to her all at the same time. "Hey, Y/N. It's been a while." He spoke. Y/N wanted to throw up from the sound of his voice. "Yeah, it has been." "So, did you change your number or something? I tried to call and text but apparently your phone wasn't working." He asked, as he tried to put a smug look on his face. "I had important matters to take care of, Alex. Not that you cared." "Oh, Y/N, don't act this way. You know you still have feelings for me. And I was so upset when I realized that you left with no explanation. Remember...I am the man you feel deeply in love with" "Weren't you also the man who cried like a baby on MANY voicemails?" She says, seeing him blush a little from embarrassment. "T-That was the old me, the lying and cheating playboy. But I've changed. You can trust me, we can be together again. I want you to come home." He says, holding his hand out, hoping she would take it. "No." Y/N answered quickly. "No?" "I said no. You broke my heart. You broke my spirit. You knew what you were doing but you never thought of the consequences. I despise you with every fiber of my being. I am finally happy, I am finally free from your dirty hands and you have absolutely no power over me. You may have gotten away with it at first, but I am not some stupid little girl anymore. I am finally winning and you hate that I accomplished that without you. Yes, you were my first love. But now, you don't even exist to me. Now, I know my mom contacted you to see me, but if you ever come near me or her again, I'll tell her all of the truth, ruin your reputation and happily watch everything in your world burn to the ground. And I'll make sure that any other woman you decide to date knows what a manipulative jerk you are. I'll even notify the press since you are about to inherit your sweet old man's company. I'm pretty sure that the business doesn't want that kind of dirt on their hands." Y/N finished as she sees him now with fear in his eyes, immediately leaving the building without another word. She felt she finally got rid of a thorn on her side. She heads inside the classroom like nothing happened, immediately getting hugs from all the kids as they realized that their favorite teacher was in today. "Hello, my little munchkins!" She said with happiness. But she noticed someone was missing. "Where is Wally?" She asked them. "He's in his crib. He's waking up from a nap." Julie answered, leading her to him. Y/N saw him sit up, rubbing his sleepy eyes, seeing his hair a bit frizzy and messy. "Good morning, sleepyhead." She says before picking him up, Wally immediately hugging her. 'The nightmare is finally over.' She thought as she continued her day. When she went home, her mom was cooking dinner for the both of them. "Hi, sweetie! How was work?" She questioned. "It was interesting...I saw Alex there." "Oh? What happened? Is everything okay?" "Yeah, everything is fine. But it wasn't meant to be, mom." "Oh, honey, I'm sorry." "It's okay, but maybe the next one will be genuine." "I hope so." Her mom says before serving the food. Y/N hated to hide the truth from her but it had to be done to protect her heart because when someone hurt's her daughter, you goes all out to find justice. That's probably the one thing Y/N loves about her mom.

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