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It was just a normal day in the classroom, everyone running, playing, laughing, just having a good time. But then there was the dreaded sound every person who takes care of kids knows: the sick sneeze. Y/N quickly went around and asked who it was, realizing it was Frank. She kneels down towards him to talk at his level. "Frank, honey, are you feeling okay?" She asks. "I-I'm okay, Miss Y/N." He replies but he sounds nasally, signaling a stuffy nose. Y/N gently feels his forehead, seeing that he was a little warm. She grabs a tissue and clean up his nose before calling his parents to notify them that he has a fever. He starts to have a tantrum because he didn't want to go home but he lets out another loud sneeze. Y/N picks him up and holds him to give him some sort of comfort until his parents arrive. Frank was soon taken home and she cleans around the classroom to disinfect any surface he may have touched. But another sneeze could be heard from another kid. She knew that this was not going to go good. The next kid was Eddie, and Y/N wasn't surprised since both boys hang out around each other more than the rest of the class. She immediately tends to him and sees that he has a fever as well. His parents pick him up and as we all expected...another sneeze. This went on one by one and this is already chaotic. All of the kids soon have gone home and Y/N cleaned everywhere to disinfect everything. She couldn't risk anyone to come back and get sick again, not even her. And as she was cleaning, she couldn't help but sneeze herself. "Oh god, no. Not me too...oh man." She tells herself as she soon tells her boss that she was leaving early due to sickness. She makes it home and immediately takes a shower to get rid of the icky feeling around her and to open her sinuses. Y/N then prepares some soup to eat and heads to bed, taking some medicine. But she couldn't help but laugh from how everything led to this current moments. This was something she was never going to forget.

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