Meeting the little ones (pt.2)

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A few weeks have gone by and Y/N finally moved to her new place, loving the feeling of change. She roamed around her apartment as she pictures where everything was going to be arranged. But what came to her surprise was that the daycare covers the rent so the helpers can afford other essential needs but also buy supplies for the kids when there was a project or just simple arts and crafts. "This is going to be great." She said out loud. Next day comes and it's finally time to begin her training. It was actually a small commute as the building was just a five minute walk. 'How convenient!' She thought. She took her time to look around to see how lively, vibrant, and just perfect the neighborhood was. When she makes it to the daycare, she does up to the front desk and speaks to the receptionist. "Good morning! I'm here to see Amanda. I'm the new hire Y/N." "Oh! You're just in time! Amanda just clocked in a few minutes ago so please have a seat while I get her for you." "Thank you so much!" Y/N says as she sat down, seeing the receptionist leave her spot. Y/N felt a bit odd as there was no one else in the lobby. A sudden feeling of anxiety built up in her stomach and chest as she began to overthink a little. 'What if I embarrass myself?', 'what if the kids don't like me?', 'Oh god, I need to focus. You can't lose this job.' are what spun in her head over and over. "Y/N?" A voice spoke as she looks up and sees a woman standing a few feet away from her. "Yes." She answers softly. "Oh good! I'm Amanda, we spoke on the phone a couple times." "Oh yeah! Hi, Amanda! Sorry, my mind is just all over the place today." "Don't worry, it's okay to feel nervous on the first day. I was the same way when I started here. But now, it's showtime! I'll be taking you to your classroom and you'll get the chance to meet the kids!" Amanda says with a kind smile. Y/N nods in agreement as she follows her down a colorful hallway filled with posters, decorations, art, etc. This was all so cute and exciting! When they finally reached the door, Y/N could hear high pitched laughter and squeaky toys. They both entered and she looked around to see that the kids were just having fun in their own little worlds. But as soon as they saw Y/N, they stopped what they were doing and murmured a bit to each other about the new woman. "Alright, kids," Amanda said a bit loudly, "This is going to be your new teacher, Ms. Y/N. She is very nice and I want you all to be on your best behavior, okay?" "Yes, Ms. Amanda!" They said in unison. A few seconds later, Amanda hands her a few papers and head out the door, practically saying 'good luck' without saying it. Y/N walks around as the kids continued playing again after the introduction. She sits down at her desk and goes through the paperwork. She sees their names, ages, allergies, emergency contacts, likes and dislikes, anything you could know about the child. That was until a cute blond girl ran up to her and hugs her leg tightly. "Hi! I'm Julie!" She says in a squeaky voice. "Hi there, Julie! It's nice to meet you." Y/N says with a small smile. "Do you wanna play?" "Of course, sweetie. Lead me to where you want to play." Julie gets so excited and grabs Y/N's hand to take her to an area surrounded by many toys but her favorite seems to be a paddle ball with a floral design on it. They both share turns on it as Julie laughs like the ball of energy and sunshine she is. But speaking of sunshine, Y/N sees a particular sun shaped child in the costumes area, singing and dancing to her heart's content. 'I'm think that's Sally.' She said inside her mind. She took a few more glances around the room to study every kid and remember them by heart. She saw a bird like little girl walking around with an apron and a plastic pie toy, pretending to bake something for two little boys: one who was a darker yellow hue with orange hair and green skinned boy who had many arms and legs. 'That would be Poppy, Eddie, and Howdy. So cute!' She says inwardly again as she made sure to remember their names. Julie soon ran off to play somewhere else and Y/N walked up to Sally first to talk with her. "Hi there! What's the play called?" She asks playfully. "I doing Annie!" The little actress says happily. She seems to be a little younger than the rest of the group but still able to communicate. "Ooo, I love Annie. Can you sing me one song, please? It would make me so happy." Y/N asked, seeing the little girl's eyes light up from excitement, not even hesitating to start singing. Once she was done, Y/N clapped for her, seeing her do a cute bow as well. Sally then runs up to her and hugs her tightly.
"Did you like it?" The sunny girl asks. "I loved it." Y/N answers before Sally lets go and joins Julie to play.
Y/N gets up again and headed to the table where the two boys from earlier are sitting. "Are you two waiting on Poppy for her delicious pie?" "Yeah! It's gonna be yummy!" Eddie replies. "Yeah, yummy!" Howdy adds to the answer. "Well, I hope you don't mind if I join you, let me just.." Y/N says before reaching a small chair and sitting on it, both the boys giggling from that fact that she was too big for the chair. "It's too little!" Eddie says as he continues to laugh with the caterpillar boy. Y/N was enjoying this moment as much that she couldn't help but giggle herself. Poppy returns to the table, curious as to what was funny. That was until she started to laugh from seeing her new teacher in the chair as well. Then a puppy boy came into the picture and asked "what's funny? I wanna laugh!" "You must be Barnaby, the little jokester." Y/N said which made the puppy excited about something. "Ooo! I have a joke just for you! Why was 6 scared of 7? Because 7, 8, 9!" He says, getting hearty giggles from everyone around him. But that was interrupted when a grey boy comes to everyone with a grumpy pout. "I'm trying to read!" He says, crossing his arms. "Sorry, Franky!" The kids said altogether. "Ah, little Frank. I heard that you take a liking to butterflies. Would you like to give me some facts about them?" Y/N asks as she saw him start to stim excitedly before he begins talking about his hyper-fixation. As he continues speaking, he shows her his book so she better understands everything. But a particular blue haired little boy caught her attention. He seemed smaller than anyone here and he seemed attached to a blanket as he continued to draw with a crayon on a piece of paper while having a pacifier as well. It was obvious that he was the baby of all of them. Soon after, all the kids were talking amongst themselves so she saw this as an opportunity to go and introduce herself to him. When she reaches him, she notices a small swirl in his hair, which was very neatly kept. Then she notices his sleepy-like eyes and rosy cheeks as he looks up from his drawing of random scribbles and lines when he gives her a more darker hue of pink blush across his face from shyness. "Hi Wally, sweetie. That's a really good drawing." Y/N says in a soft tone as she sits on her knees, not to scare or overwhelm him. She sees his body relax a bit more as she continues to acknowledge him in a soothing way. He soon starts to rub his eyes, seeing him get drowsy from a long day of play. He gets up from his spot and kind of waddles to her lap where he lifts his arms and whimpers a bit to be picked up. Y/N complies with what he wants, cradling him in her arms, feeling him snuggle closer to her as he grips his blanket tightly and continues to suckle on his pacifier as he closed his eyes to sleep. All the kids saw this and yelled out "CUDDLE PARTY!", making them all run towards her, snuggling with her and each other. She remembers the scheduled times for naps and it was just in time for one. Each one of them rubbed their tiny eyes, yawning and headed to dreamland in a matter of minutes. Y/N enjoyed the warmth surrounding her and loved that the kids liked her already. "Sleep tight, my little munchkins." She said quietly as she rested her eyes as well.

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