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Y/N's finally relaxing on her day off after having such a busy week. But she remembers she had to meet up with Wallace for some coffee. She puts on her favorite pair of jeans, sneakers for the walk, and her favorite T-Shirt to go along with it. She decides to leave her hair down since it wasn't that hot today. She grabs her keys and locks up before heading downtown. Once she arrives at the cafe, she sees him waiting at a patio table, tending to baby Wally in his stroller. "Oh, Y/N, it's so lovely to see you! Sorry about this, my babysitter called in sick so he had to come with me." He says with a warm smile. "I don't mind it." She replies as she squats down to greet Wally, seeing the baby boy get excited to see one of his favorite people. He puts his arms up to get picked up but I look at Wallace for permission. He unbuckles Wally and I immediately pick him up, giving him a gentle hug. "I've never seen him this affection to anyone else before." His father comments. Y/N flusters a bit after she soon realizes that she was a bit caught up with the baby. "I'm sorry. He is just so cute!" She says before booping Wally on the nose, making him giggle. "I don't blame you. Now, I already ordered my coffee, which one would you like, my dear?" "Just a simple cold brew with sweet cold foam, almond milk, and 3 pumps of caramel." (My coffee order irl lol) "You got it." He soon heads up to the counter to order and pay for her coffee while Y/N entertained Wally. He smiles at her and she felt her heart flutter from how cute the baby was. Wallace come back with her coffee, smiling from the moment as well. After a few hours of chatting, it was time to head on home. Wally has fallen asleep from so much excitement in his father's arms, snoring away. "This is definitely what I needed. Thank you for inviting me." Y/N says before packing up her bag. "It was my pleasure, we should do this again." He smiles before taking her hand gently and giving it a kiss out of respect. He then waves and leaves the cafe. She felt like she was going to squeal from excitement but she contained herself until she made it home. She ran to her bed and squealed, kicking her legs as well. But a strange feeling came across her. She started to think that maybe it was too soon to catch feelings or date someone after going through a rough breakup. Did she deserve a second change in finding the one or should she push her feelings aside to improve herself? Those two questions filled her mind as she continued the rest of her day.

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