First words

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(Another delayed chapter due to life but I'm alive so here is another chapter...)
It was just another day at the daycare. Y/N handling multiple energetic kids, grading craft projects, and cleaning up after them. But she was doing everything while holding Wally in the sling. He was quiet a majority of the time due to napping or just looking up at her with his sleepy eyes while using his pacifier. While she was watching the older kids play in the park outside, Y/N held Wally close and in the shade so he wouldn't get too hot. She tickles him and enjoyed hearing his soft giggles before he suddenly said "Mama!" Y/N was shocked and slightly panicked from this. "Oh no, Wally baby, it's Y/N, YYY-NNN" She enunciated but was hit with another "Mama!" She just gave up. She knew that she was now in a lot of trouble. How was she going to explain this to Wally's father when it was time for pick up? Her mind runs wild with questions until it was actually time. Wallace enters the building with a smile, excited to see his little boy. "How was Wally today? Was he any trouble?" "Oh, no. Wally was a sweetheart today." "How delightful." Wallace says as he now holds Wally in his arms. The baby boy then reaches out to Y/N saying "Mama!" again. Wallace was shocked and she just facepalms from embarrassment. "I swear, I didn't teach him that!" Y/N explains. But suddenly, she hears Wallace just laughing lightly at this. "That's quite alright. It is only natural for him to assume that you're his mother with how he sees you every day. How could I possibly correct him? He's just a baby." He lightly smiles. Y/N sighs in relief that he wasn't mad about it. "Besides, maybe this moment could be the perfect moment to ask you out on another date." Wallace says with such suave that it made her blush lightly and chuckle nervously. "Oh, um...sure. I'm open this Saturday." "Wonderful. I'll be surprising you so please dress to impress. See you soon, Ms. Y/N." He says with a wink before waving goodbye, even Wally waves as well which was an adorable sight to see. Y/N waves too but as soon as her shift was over, she practically speeds home to find the right outfit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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