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Name: Aizaliz Reyes
Age: 21
Pronouns: She/They
Birthday: January 26
Born in: Pennsylvania
Live in: Florida
Star sign: Aquarius
Sexuality: Panromantic-Demisexual
Ethnicity: Hispanic-Latina (Puerto Rican and Dominican)
Height: 5'7"
Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Crocheting, Watching Anime, Photography, Video games, music, cooking, collecting, and trying new restaurants
Fav book: The House on Mango Street
Fav animes: Jojo, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Naruto, and Demon Slayer
Fav video games: Dragon Ball Z Kakarot and Sonic Colors
Fav movie: Coraline and The Addams Family
Fav kind of music: 80s, hard rock, metal, phonk, edm, and bachata
Fav foods: Chinese, Sushi, Chipotle, Sushi, Chicken Nuggets, Tacos and Dr. Pepper
Fav colors: Purple (preferably lilac), black, and burnt orange
Fav things to collect: Books, crystals, figurines, yarn (for crocheting), squishmallows, posters
Least favorite things: Hot pink, coconut, tomatoes, oatmeal, cleaning lol
Family life: I live with my mom, dad, and my baby sister (3). My younger sister (20) lives in Pennsylvania until she finishes college. I was adopted when I was a newborn, but we are still blood related. I have 3 uncles, 3 aunts, 4 cousins, then I have my Mami (my grandmother but we don't call her "Abuela") and my step-grandpa. Biologically, I have 13 half siblings lol! So I'm the middle oldest.

Fears: Heights! I hate going on rollercoasters. I have a fear of public speaking and I have trypophobia. An irrational fear of mine is that I will swim in the open ocean and I will get swallowed whole by an unknown sea beast. IVE ALWAYS HAD A FEAR OF BALLOONS SINCE I WAS A KID!

Religious background: I grew up Christian but now I'm just spiritual

-Travel the world (mostly Italy, Japan, South Korea, China, and Hawaii)
-Have a successful small business
-Live a comfortable life
-Marry the person of my dreams and have a family.

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