Celebrate the Firsts

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All of the older kids have reached the milestones of their lives: taking their first steps, saying their first words, etc. But Wally seemed like he was a bit shy to reach them. Y/N didn't mind taking a little extra care of him since he was the sweetest little thing imaginable. He tended to be a bit clingy because of how much she held him during her duties so it made Y/N think she was responsible by coddling him too much. One day, she places him down in a playpen while she tended to the older kids during snack time. Wally was with his favorite pacifier, toys, papers, and watercolors to distract him but all he wanted was his daycare teacher's attention. He used all his little strength to lift himself up on his feet. Wally was a bit wobbly but he tries to straighten his back and starts to take steps. He lets out small coos as he makes it to the baby gate, his eyes turning black for a few seconds to pop it open. He keeps going taking small steps before he gives a cute squeal to get the attention of Y/N. Once she heard it, she saw little Wally finally taking his first steps. She gasps in shock and joy, kneeling down to his level. "Come on, Wally! You can do it, you're such a big boy!" Y/N gleefully cheers as she waits for him with open arms. Even the older kids were cheering him on. "Go, Wally!" "You can do it!" "Yay, Wally!" "Just a few more steps!" Everyone exclaims before he finally makes it to Y/N's arms, cheering from his success. "Wally baby, I'm so proud of you!" She says, spinning him in his arms, giving him a big hug and nuzzle on his nose. She looks for his baby book and camera, wanting to remember this moment. "Say cheese!" Y/N says. "Eeee.." Wally says with an adorable smile, making everyone excited again. He practically said his first word while taking a picture. Y/N takes the Polaroid and places it in the book. When it came time for the little ones to go home, she saw Wallace, his father, waiting for him in the waiting area. "We have some great news for you today. Wally just took his first steps and said his first word!" She tells with with such delight. "My, that's wonderful news! That's my little champ." Wallace says with a charming smile as he picks up his son and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Also, I wish to thank you for documenting it in his baby book. With work, it's a bit hard to remember these things." "It's no problem at all. I'm just glad I was able to experience this huge accomplishment with him." "Well then, I shall take this little one home. Say bye bye, Wally." Wallace says gently grabbing the baby boy's hand and waving it as they walk out the daycare doors. Y/N waves goodbye back, now forever holding this special moment in her heart forever.

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