Best friends!

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Each on the the kiddos have their own individual personalities but that doesn't mean that they don't get along. All of them have someone who they are close to. Like Julie and Frank or Wally and Barnaby. They seem to compliment each other in a way no one can understand. The average day for either group goes like this: Julie and Frank are polar opposites, one is bubbly and full of life while the other prefers the more calm side of things. But the only topic that they can seem to get along with is butterflies. Julie and Frank can chat for hours about it, Y/N can't helping but feel happy when they are getting along, even when both kids are stimming to show their excitement. Now, Barnaby and Wally are a different subject. The Puppy boy is like a protective but gentle older brother to the blue haired baby. They always read together, paint together, sometimes play fetch with a ball, or napping, even if Wally was just laying on Barnaby's fluffy belly without a thought behind those sleepy looking eyes. Poppy and Howdy, they are DEFINITELY like the oldest siblings of all of them. They are always checking up on the other kids, making sure that they don't get into any trouble. Also checking to make sure that they have eaten or if they need someone to play with. They are just Y/N's little helpers. Sally and Eddie are another different story. Eddie is mainly her mannequin when it comes to her making costumes for her plays, using all of her creativity to come up with something. But he doesn't seem to mind as he was actually enjoying it. Sally, however, was now running around giving accessories  and instruments to everyone so that they can come along and sing in a conga line. Y/N was then put to the front of the line, leading while holding Wally and a small plastic ukulele. Everyone was laughing and making all kinds of noises but they all seemed so happy. After a few more minutes walking around in circles in the classroom, they finally settled down, putting on their jackets to head on home. But she heard a knock on the door and notices that it was Wally's father. "Hello, Mr. Darling! He was very well behaved today." Y/N says before handing the excited baby to his father. "That's very good to hear and please just call me Wallace. I want to thank you again for taking care of my boy." "It's no issue, it's my job." "How about as a thank you, I buy you some coffee tomorrow morning?" Y/N let's out a small blush. "That sounds wonderful." She replies. "Wonderful! See you tomorrow!" Wallace says before waving goodbye and leaving with Wally. Y/N soon feel someone tugging at her skirt, seeing that it was Julie. "Ms. Y/N, why is your face red? Are you sick?" The little girls asks. "I'm okay, munchkin. Just a little warm in here." She replies before leading her back to her cubby to help her put on her jacket.

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