Show and Tell

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Side rant: (sorry y'all for such a huge delay. I've been dealing with job hunting and such so I haven't been able to update for a while. I'll be sure to get things back on track)

Today at the Welcome Home Daycare all the little ones were excited as it was Show and Tell day, a chance to show off their favorite things. Y/N then uses the popsicle stick names to see who would go first. The anticipation was growing until she finally picked the first person: Barnaby! Everyone cheers for him as he heads up front to show us his favorite thing. It was a large bouncing ball and he also did he favorite trick of balancing on top of it while juggling. Everyone cheers him on again until he accidentally drops the juggling balls and falls on the carpeted floor (on purpose) to make everyone laugh. The next one up was: Sally! She shows off her costumes and props she uses for her shows, one of her favorites being a sunflower (pun intended). She sang her favorite song before everyone clapped and cheered for her. Coming after Sally was: Frank! He immediately up to the front of the class to show his favorite books about butterflies, even bringing some in a jar with holes on top so they can breathe. Everyone looked in awe from the many colors the butterflies had and Frank stimmed from how happy he was to show it off. The next kid to show and tell was Howdy! He brings up his favorite toy register to show everyone how it works, including the little plastic coins and fake money to pretend that he was a shop owner. Poppy was up next and she shows off some mini pies that she and her mother made to prove that she wanted to be a baker. She shared the pies with the class, even giving Y/N one to try. Everyone took a bite and realized it was a cherry pie, very tasty too. Eddie then steps forward and shows his little mailbag, handing everyone a friendly letter. He gives Y/N the one with the biggest heart on it. "Thank you, hun." She says as she gently takes it, giving him head pats. Julie excitedly presents her jump rope and asks her fellow classmates to jump with her. They all laugh as they hop into the air multiple times but they accidentally trip. This made them have giggle fits before they head back to their seats. Y/N had to carry Wally for this one as he showed off his favorite watercolor paintings he did on his free time. "They are so pretty, Wally honey. All of you did an amazing job presenting your favorite things for show and tell. You all get an A+ sticker for today!" Y/N announced as all the kids cheered, gathering in line to collect their sticker.

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