Sweet Tooth

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Easter has passed this Sunday in the neighborhood and it was lovely to see all the decorations, the delicious food, and hearing the kids laughing from enjoying the Easter egg hunt. When it was time for the kids to come back to daycare, they brought all of their candy and little trinkets to show it off to each other. Y/N was filled with joy to see them this excited. But what she wasn't excited about was the sugar rushes that will come to follow. Looking at all the candy wrappers thrown on the floor, she knew it had began. The kids were running around frantic, causing so much noise and chaos that it could possibly be heard all over town. Poppy was flapping her wings and squawking, Sally was twirling and singing at the top of her lungs, Eddie was falling and getting up all over the place by jumping off the tables and running around, Frank's head was spinning, Julie was tossing any toy she was find and throwing it after she played with it for a few seconds, Barnaby was barking and playing with a bouncing ball, Howdy was actually climbing up the walls until he lost his balance, Y/N immediately running and catching him. Wally now was getting all of his paints, splattering it all over himself and the floors, walls, etc. The classroom was now a mess and the kids are out of control. She had to figure out something, but she was busy making sure that the kids weren't hurting themselves. Soon after, an idea came in mind to get rid of all these energy. "Okay, kids! Stand in front of me! We're going to be active today by doing some of my exercise." Y/N announces as everyone headed towards her, still a bit hyper. Even poor paint covered Wally waddles over to her, babbling away. "Alright, just copy after me. And then when we're done here, we're going outside and going on a run." She did jumping jacks, squats, arm circles, high knees, even some yoga poses to help them stretch. The kids copied everything she did but they were still hyper. "Time for a race! We will see who is the fastest in the class!" She says as she leads them outside. They stood in a line, Y/N had her phone out for timing while holding a now clean Wally. Each of them had their turn, catching their breath as soon as they made it through the finish line. She was (and kind of wasn't) surprised that the fastest were Barnaby, Poppy, and Howdy. And here are the reasons why:
-Barnaby: He is a puppy and it's his instinct to be fast
-Poppy: Even though she's little, she actually has powerful legs.
-Howdy: He has more than two legs so that means more stamina

The rest groaned as they felt like they lost. But Y/N tried to cheer them up by giving them praise and water to help them cool down. She then noticed how some of them were yawning and rubbing their eyes as they are experiencing a sugar crash. "Alright, let's head inside, kiddos! It's nap time!" She says as they slowly headed back inside. Some of them couldn't even make it to their sleeping mats as they were too exhausted to continue. She had to pick each one of them up, place them on their individual mats, and cover them up with their blankets as she didn't want them to get cold. Now all she heard were tiny snores, her stress melting away as she had time to finally clean up and prep for her lesson on numbers. Wally was still awake in his crib, so she picked him up and took him to the window. Thank goodness they headed back inside on time as it was now raining. But it was soothing in a way. She looks outside, showing the blue haired boy what was going on. She tried to make him laugh by tickling him under his chin and playfully blowing raspberries on his cheek. Ever since she started this job, she enjoyed every single moment that happened, even if it was nerve wracking. She wouldn't change this for the world.

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