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(GUESS WHO'S BACK FROM THE DEAD?! ME! HAHAHAHA! Sorry that I've been MIA for some time. It's not easy being an all...but anyways, I hope this chapter makes up for my absence!)

Y/N's birthday was always celebrated but for some reason, she didn't want to make a big fuss about it. She prepared a cup of coffee for today before she leaves for work. When she makes it through the entrance, everyone was acting a bit strange. I try to approach my classroom but Amanda (from chapter 1 and 2, remember?) stopped me in the hall. "Hey, Y/N! How you've been?" She nervously chuckles. "Um...I'm doing...alright?" Y/N says with a suspicious look as she tried to head to the classroom, but Amanda kept blocking her way to stall. "Oh, that's good! So what do you have planned today?" She asked. "I have classes should know that too." Y/N was even more suspicious as to what was going on. No matter what Y/N tried, the staff tried to stop her in some way to make sure she doesn't go to the room. This starts to freak her out before she finally made it to the door. As soon as she turns on the lights, she hears confetti poppers, music, and the kids blowing the sprite horns. "SURPRISE!" Everyone shouts and cheers for her. Y/N jumps in shock but then just laughs. "You didn't have to do this." She says. "We wanted to Ms. Y/N!" Julie shouts as all the kids agreed. They hand her a bouquet of flowers, a sash, and a birthday crown for her to place on. This day made her felt special in so many ways. Everyone was enjoying the snacks, dancing, and laughter that filled the air. But now, it was cake time and they gathered around to sing. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR Y/N! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" They cheer again as she blows out her candles. Soon after, the kids gave her gifts: paintings, books, macaroni jewelry, and even handmade cards. Y/N loved them and will definitely keep them close to her heart. But the last one to gift her was Wally. He was sitting on his high chair but he gave her an art piece of his hand prints making a heart. "Thank you, Wally baby." She says with joy as she gives him a big, snuggly hug, making all the party attendants join for a group hug. This was one of the best parties ever, one that Y/N will never forget.

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