Wally Baby! (By special request)

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Every kid in the daycare are always doing their own thing, able to think and care for themselves. But then there is Wally, the youngest out of all of them. He requires more attention as he needs to be feed, changed (since he isn't ready for potty training yet) and needs all the cuddles he can get. Y/N is always trying to keep him entertained by giving him art supplies (that are non-toxic and washable) to help him express his creativity. Whenever he was done with a project, she always hung it up on the wall so show it off like a proud parent would put it on their fridge. But today seemed a bit off with the sleepy eyed boy, as he was acting more fussy and clingy. Anywhere Y/N went, he crawls to her and grips onto her pants for dear life. She wonders what is going on, for seeing him this attached was something she was not used to. "What's wrong, Wally, honey?" She asks as she picked him up, the small baby immediately clinging on like a koala in a tree. "Oh! Okay, you're okay. You're safe. But what's got you feeling this way?" Y/N mentions as she sees him staring at the directions of other kids, now realizing what he was doing. She couldn't help but softly giggle, as she now knows that he IS jealous of the attention the other kids were having, so he is trying to say he wants her all to himself today. "You silly boy, you just want me to only play and watch you today, huh?" She questions him as if he would understand full sentences, but Wally still looks at her with a bit of a darker blush as she hold him close to her face and trying to Eskimo kiss him. How could she say no to him? But as he is extra clingy today, it's going to be difficult to do anything as she had other kids to watch over. It had to be done, it was her daycare helper duty! After a few more minutes of snuggle time with Wally, Y/N unfortunately had to put him down in his crib so she can clean up as the older kids had their lunches. He started to grip onto her clothing with all his strength, whimpering as he didn't want to go. "Wally, please, I need to clean, sweetie." She finally gets him off and gently puts him down with his pacifier and blanket, hoping it would distract him. But it did the complete opposite. He started to cry his tiny eyes out with large tears forming, face turning reddish-pink, flailing his arms around and letting out heartbreaking screeches for comfort. "I know, baby, I know!" Y/N says as she feels guilt rising in her conscience, hating to see him like this, trying to clean as fast as she could. When she was done, she goes through his backpack and takes out a baby sling and puts it on as quick as she can to hold him close to her without the need of her arms. Wally continues his saddening cries , which made her anxious to pick him up. "Please don't cry, honey, it's making me sad too." She says, trying to give him soothing words til she finally securely tied up the sling. "Here we go, baby. Shh, shh, shh, no more crying. It's okay, I got you, you're okay..." Y/N whispers as she gently picks him up and placed him in the sling, hearing his cries die down to whimpers, his throat going a little dry from the crying. She heads to the juice area and makes him a bottle with apple juice, watered down with clean and purified water that was safe for him. At first, Wally rejected it, but seeing as his throat as hurting a bit, he takes it and started to feel the relief. Y/N softly pats him on his bottom to help him calm down more, as his breaths were still a bit shaky. She was feeling relieved that he wasn't crying anymore but the anxiety from before still remained. 'Did I do the wrong thing?' 'I shouldn't have left him crying like that if he was so attached today.' 'I feel so awful, I don't want to break his trust.' and many more questions ran through her mind. But as she saw that he finished his bottle, she patted him on the back and heard a burp from him. Wally looks up at her and coos happily that he was close again, making her heart flutter from his tiny smile. All the troubles melted away at that moment, ease finally coming to her mind. Y/N then continued on with her day with Wally attached to her, not caring one bit.

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