Temper Tantrums

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Life at the daycare seemed all so perfect to Y/N as all of her kids were very well-behaved. That was until later today. "WHERE IS MY PIE?!" Poppy shouted out loud as her favorite toy was missing from the spot she always had it. Y/N immediately heads towards her, squatting to her level, trying to see what was going on. "Poppy, dear, what's going on?" She asks. "MY PIE IS GONE AND I CAN'T FIND IT!" The now puffed up chick shouts, her cheeks red from anger. She then stomps multiple times, flaps her arms around and lets out high pitch screams out of frustration. Y/N has never seen her this way. She was like the big sister to everyone but right now she needed some comfort. "Okay, sweetie. Look at me," Y/N says gently grabbing her arms, "look at me, and do exactly as I do." She finished as she demonstrated how to take deep breaths to calm down. It took a few minutes for Poppy to catch her breath until she finally got steady and calmed down, with her feathers also going back to normal. "Good job. Now, let's try to do something. Let's look around the room and see if it was placed somewhere else. But if it's not here, I'll be sure to look in the playground." Y/N suggested as the chick nodded in agreement. The both of them looked through every nook and cranny, nothing yet. This was starting to get difficult until Y/N finally found it! It was hidden in the box of tiny toys. Maybe someone cleaned here after she left and placed it there. "Here you go, Poppy!" She says as she hands the toy to the child, seeing her face light up and released squeals of joy. Y/N mentally sighed as taking care of a kid having a tantrum can be a bit exhausting. But her job wasn't done yet. She sees Frank throwing books on the floor, seeing his head spin 360! This kind of freaked her out as she's never seen him do that before but she had to attend to him. She quickly runs to him and grabs the book he was about to throw, giving him a stern look. "Franky, what is this about?" She asked. "I WANT MY BOOK 'BOUT BUTTERFLIES! I WANT MY BOOK! I WANT MY BOOK!" He yelled, slightly jumping and head continuing to spin. But he soon stops to them push Y/N out of anger, tears forming in his eyes as well. "That's it, Frank. You have to sit in the time out chair for 2 minutes. 1 minute for throwing books and 1 minute for pushing." She says, lifting him to her arms, as he tries to fight back. She puts him down on a chair in the corner and then starts a timer for 2 minutes. "Now listen, sweetie, I want you to stay there, calm down and think about what you've done. And when you're done, we can find your book." Y/N says as she then waits for the timer. Frank has tried to escape a few times, making her repeat the same process over and over again, but he finally learns that he isn't going to win this. He then stays for his two minutes, no longer crying. She squats to his level to try to talk to him, hoping he would listen. "I don't like doing this, sweetie, I really don't. But being mean to others is not a good thing. I know that you're a good boy, but you have to pay attention to Ms. Y/N and tell her what's wrong when you need something. Okay?" She finishes as he nods his head. "Good. Let's go find your book, I think I know where it is." Y/N says as she lets him grab her hand and head back to the bookshelf she was able to clean up while he was in time out. When they reach it, she pulls out the exact book he was looking for, giving it to him and seeing him content as he begins to read it. Two tantrums, both fixed. That's a world record to Y/N. It made her feel more exhausted, but she was relaxing to soon. Barnaby and Howdy were having a tug of war with an action figure they both wanted to play with, neither one of them giving up. 'Here we go again...' she thought.

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