Too Little, Too Late

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"Mr. Sallow, please! STOP!" I cried, barely managing to escape the well placed Fire Tornado that sprang up behind me while my attention was turned to the waves of Inferi invading the chamber.

"You brought this upon yourself, foolish girl. I warned you - both of you - Confringo!" Solomon Sallow shouted back at me.

I tucked and rolled to dodge the fiery blast from Solomon's wand, using a pile of rubble to break my fall. Exhaustion began to overtake me as my head throbbed, leaving my vision blurred by the pain. I certainly was no stranger to intense combat situations, but battling a seasoned wizard, a former Auror no less, was pushing me to limits that even enchanted suits of ancient armor hadn't up to this point. Sweat and blood trickled down the sides of my face, catching the corners of my mouth and pricking my tongue with briny tastes of what felt like my impending defeat. I shot a quick glance around the stone ritual room, locating Sebastian still huddled over and reeling from the relic being shattered.

A little help would be nice, Sebastian!

The Inferi stumbled faithfully forward with their eerie moans, attentions split between Solomon and I. Solomon maneuvered his way through the throng, striking them down one by one as they approached him while keeping tabs on my location several yards away from him. For a brief moment we made eye contact - his dark hazel eyes assessing my situation as I spit the blood from my mouth and returned to a proper stance, wand at the ready once more.

"Expellia— aahhh! Pr-Protego!" I stammered, two Inferi nearly catching me off guard with heavy lunges from my side. I swore I heard a condescending scoff from Solomon as I stumbled again, managing a panicked Incendio to thwart their advance.

"We're done here. After this, I will see Sebastian and yourself expelled from Hogwarts! I'll be taking Anne to a better place, where she can convalesce in peace, away from this madness you've brought upon us all!" Solomon seethed, bringing his wand towards me again. "Depulso!"

My eyesight almost completely darkened as I felt the gust of air slam into me, knocking me to the ground and sending me sliding past Sebastian into a wall, small bits of rubble and dirt falling into my face. Through the dust I finally caught Sebastian's gaze, his eyes widening just a moment as I reached out a hand to him; they quickly shifted into the same cold, dark glare his uncle had been giving me throughout our fight. Sebastian finally stood. I kept my hand out as high as I could, waiting for him to reach back and sweep me unto me feet - an action he had done plenty of times in our travels together when things got rough. The throbbing in my head had turned into a deafening ringing in my ears, drowning out nearly all sound in the room. I attempted to call out to Sebastian, who had turned away from my outstretched hand to engage his uncle, rapidly trading attacks as their bickering grew more heated, but no words came.

No, no stop fighting! I begged silently.

I managed to roll up onto my knees, patting my robes down for the pocket that I stashed my potions in, fumbling about and producing a much needed Wiggenweld from the folds. I ripped the cork off with my teeth and sucked the bittersweet green liquid down hurriedly, it's effects hitting my body almost instantly as my vision cleared and I was able to take to my feet again. Still weak and nearly too tired to go on, limped towards the dueling pair with full intent on stopping this one way or another. I felt my wand vibrate in my palm, a familiar feeling of the ancient magic welling up inside me, waiting to be released.

But, alas, "too little, too late.." as my mother always said.

"I won't let her suffer. AVADA KEDAVRA!" Sebastian's voice echoed through the catacombs with a thunderous tone, the green crackle of magic flying from his wand and sending Solomon Sallow stumbling back, falling dead before he hit the ground.

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