Summertime Sadness, Part VIII

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"Tomorrow? Tomorrow!?" I choked on my cup of earl grey, spattering it down my chin at the shock of Anne's announcement. "Both of them? Really?"

Anne sipped calmly on her tea, eyeing me with a smile over the rim of her cup. "Ominis and Y/N will arrive sometime early tomorrow evening. I even asked Dr. Kessington for special consideration that will allow them to stay here with us instead of the nearby hotel. Y/N with me and Ominis with you of course."

"Have I told you lately that you are the best sister of all time?" I cleaned up my face and began shoveling forkfuls of eggs and bacon into my mouth with great haste - there was lots I had to do to prepare for Y/N's arrival. A haircut, maybe a new shirt.. perhaps a tune up of her violin before I present it to her? I could hardly contain the reverbs of excitement dancing through my chest. Of course it was going to be nice to see Ominis as well.

"You hardly need to remind me and please stop eating like that." Anne tossed her napkin across the breakfast table at my face, leaning forward and resting her chin up on her hands. We sat outside in the hospital's garden for the first time in awhile as the summer sun started to finally start off a bit cooler in the mornings. The gardens were similar to the perfectly pruned bushes and topiaries of Hogwarts with enchanted gardening tools floating about catching any out of place leaves they may find. Big patches of sunflowers reached to the sky bringing a sense of happiness in a place that in a lot of ways truly wasn't as other hospice patients passed us by in their wheelchairs, often aided by nurses. I was thankful that Anne wasn't quite to that point yet - she had actually been doing surprisingly well lately, perhaps well enough for my next question.

"Would you like to go out into London with me today? The muggle shops aren't nearly as fun as the ones in Diagon Alley, but they have lots of things I think you'll be interested in." I asked, pushing aside my plate in satisfaction. Anne's eyes lit up in a shining bronze color, gleaming with excitement. I knew she had very much wanted to venture back into the city but the fear of her health and maybe a little fear of the Red-Devils was keeping her from it.

"Really Sebastian!? You would take me? Are you sure.. it's safe?" She trailed off a bit sadly. I reached over the table and held her hands in the most secure hold I could muster.

"I would never let anything happen to you Anne, I promise. The events at the theatre proved that we are the strongest together, and nothing would make me happier than spending the day out and about with my better half." Anne bounced in her seat with excitement, taking to shoveling her own breakfast down as quickly as she could. I sat back and watched her with a smile, planning out our route through the nearby shops for the morning until I got glance of a nurse walking towards us with an annoyingly large bouquet of roses, right on time for their daily arrival.

I've about had it with this cheeky bastard...

"Ms. Anne - another delivery as always. I just wanted to show them to you before I put them in your room. Everyone around the wing is quite jealous - it must be rather lovely having the favor of a handsome Auror." The young nurse and Anne giggled away, burying their faces into the flowers and exchanging a few more remarks before taking the flowers away.

"Anne, really - this is getting way out of hand. The roses he sent four days ago haven't even begun to wilt and they just keep coming. You can't tell me you actually fancy this man?" I rolled my eyes at her. "He hasn't even bothered to return my owl from weeks ago but he manages the time to make sure his bloody flowers are sent."

"That's because your owl warranted a face-to-face response, and I was unfortunately indisposed all this time." The gilded voice of Isaac Price rung in my ears behind me, causing me to stand up and face him abruptly with a scowl on my face. "Good morning Sallows. You are looking quite well Anne - how are you feeling?"

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