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Sebastian wasted no time in lifting Y/N into his arms and whisking her away towards the boy's dormitory. Too many thoughts of how completely wrong this was flooded my mind. Not only was there a Ravenclaw in our common room, seeming to enter completely of her own ability, but it was my girlfriend - out of her wits, covered in blood - and we were now taking her to our bedroom.

Narcissus had hurried ahead of us to make sure that the stairwell and hallways were clear of potential onlookers, especially of the Prefect variety that would have sealed all three of our fates to an entire school year of detention if not worse. Once inside our room I sent Narcissus away in fear that he would get far too involved with the situation if he stayed - he understood but insisted, swearing allegiance and secrecy to what he had witnessed, promising to even do some reconnaissance for us in hopes of finding out how Y/N managed her way into Slytherin's common room.

"I'll return with a special knock if I find anything." He had said. "Never hesitate to ask me for further assistance."

"Please do not do anything that will already compromise yourself in your first year at Hogwarts." I scolded him a bit. "But.. thank you Malfoy. We appreciate it."

I brought my attention back to Sebastian with my wand keeping surveillance on what was going on around me. It was all I had to not get upset at the fact that he had laid Y/N down on his bed instead of mine, his silhouette leaned over her still body as he quietly called out her name and appeared to be rubbing at her cheeks to get a response. However when it seemed like his hands were wandering down to the middle of her chest I was at their side in an instant with a small shove to his shoulder.

"What do you think you are doing, Sebastian?" I asked as calmly as possible. We just had a meaningful moment that had started our path to rekindling our friendship and I was doing my best to keep walking it.

"I'm checking to make sure none of this blood is hers, Ominis." He said with genuine concern. "Her clothing doesn't appear to be torn anywhere, but it is best if we undress her to make sure she isn't injured. Not to mention the fact that she is soaked from the stomach down - we can't leave her like that, wouldn't you agree?"

"I agree, yes but..." I stowed my wand and pushed him out of the way as politely as possible. He gave only the slightest resistance to his movement as I took over his position directly above her. "If she is to be undressed, I am going to do it. Though really.. we should just take her to the hospital wing, Sebastian or even to Professor Sharp.."

Sebastian sighed, hooking his arm around my shoulder. "The Prefects are going on their rounds any minute - there's no way we will sneak past them while we're holding her half dressed bloody body through the castle, whether we are going to see Blainey or Sharp. Getting caught is going to present us with far more problems than whatever she is experiencing at the moment. It's best that we take care of her for now." His arm slipped away and I heard his footsteps near the door to our room. "You undress her then, check the best you can for any injuries. I'll go to the baths and find something to freshen her up with."

He's being his usual, somewhat unreasonable yet somehow sensible self. I cannot deny that I wouldn't love just caring for her on my own, just as she had done for me before.. "Very well.. Thank you, Sebastian. Do be careful not to be seen."

"You forget who you're talking to." He chuckled as the door opened and quickly shut behind him.

I placed a hand on her cheek and I felt her shudder slightly under the warmth of my palm against her eerily cold skin, leaning in to give a long kiss to her forehead and nuzzle the tips of our noses together. She gave very little response, just a nearly inaudible moan and a tossing of her head slowly side to side. My lips fell upon each of her closed eyes, giving me some small sense of relief as they fluttered against them. All of her small sounds and movements at least let me know that she was still here on some sensory level.

Hogwarts Legacy: The Dark Veins In TimeWhere stories live. Discover now