The Chosen Ones

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**Warning - We get a little steamy here and there... <3**


Am I dreaming or is this another memory?..

It was hard to distinguish between the two now, though I assume it impossible for Alvira to reach me that strongly with the painting shielded again.

The room around me is incredibly vast, made of beige sandstone and supported by two rows of pillars that ran parallel on either side of the area. Each one contains a hanging brazier, lit bright with fiery orange coals smoldering out just enough light to see the immediate area around me. I appear to be somewhere at the head of the room lying in a bed made of the softest unknown material I had ever felt - not a traditional surface, something more like a giant cushion that the weight of my body has sunken deep into the center of with slick golden sheets draped over me. Soaking in the coolness of the fabric I realize that I am nearly naked beneath it all, clad in some loose form of undergarments made of thin white linen wrapped around my breasts and bottom just enough to cover, but not hide them very much. I sit myself up to rest on my elbows in surprise, keeping myself shielded as I lean over the side to examine the floor.

Surrounding my luxurious nest is a rather large alchemical looking circle painted with some glowing red substance, littered with runes and phrases in a language I cannot make out. The glowing pulsates audibly as faint chanting fills the room and the coals in the braziers burst into full on flames. Beneath the bedsheets somewhere around my ankles a large bulge rises up between my legs, something hunched over and humming in an almost familiar voice as it crawls it's way up my body with a cold air moving along with it. I am absolutely frozen in place as the figure emerges first with it's pale arms surrounding my sides, crawling up closer and closer until the golden sheet slides off of their head and down their back, exposing us both to the hot air of the room.

My jaw drops. It is Ominis looming over me with an open mouthed smile. Past his lips I can see his canines replaced with short fangs almost similar to those of Scytallia's and his eyes while still their misty grey now glowed with a silver slit down the middle replacing his foggy irises. From what I could tell he too is nearly naked except a few golden bangles around his wrists and hugging his upper arms. My eyes begin tracing the lean muscle definition in his shoulders, his arms, and his chest, traveling down into the darkness between us beneath the covers until I cannot make out any more detail. He is pale and beautiful, like a carved ivory statue but in looking even closer I can make out patches of his skin that appear to shimmer in the fiery light appearing almost reptilian - like a serpent's.

"My Moon and My Stars.." He moans lovingly, the sound lulling me into instant arousal as his body rubs against mine in the last part of his journey where his face is now a breath from mine, staring up at him. I can't help but notice his fangs, dripping with saliva or.. or is it venom?.. his tongue is split just slightly at the tip. "I can be whatever man you want me to be, whatever form you would have me, just love me and your wish will always be my command."

Ominis lowers himself in to lock our lips into a kiss that I am nervous to return, afraid that I will prick myself on the daunting fangs within his mouth. The kiss is wild and hungry, sucking in my tongue and I can feel the grazing of his teeth across it, the tiny pointed slits in his tongue tickling me. I wobble and struggle to keep myself propped up, tossing my head back as far as I can as he releases my lips with a wet pop and a trail of saliva between us. Something keeps me knocked back, able to look at him only through the shaded rim of my eyelids as he opens his mouth wider, his fangs more prominent in his maniacal smile and he lunges towards my neck.

My body tenses in anticipation of the painful bite but instead it is the gentle nibbling of human teeth that is at the joint of my neck, burying into it with plush lips and familiar growling moans. The weight pressed against me changes, it is now more broad, muscles larger and a powerful arm wraps itself around my waist to hoist my body against theirs more flushed. There is a scratching across the top of my breasts, like thousands of smooth stones clinking and grinding into my skin as the new entity rolls themselves against me, sending utterly delicious shockwaves through every nerve I possess.

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