Consequences and Annoucements

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**Warning - she's a fluffy chapter; character musings and just a little bit of fun with the ending we were all waiting for. Enjoy!**


I thought I was too intoxicated to have any brilliant ideas and yet here we are, toiling over my brilliant idea instead of having fun. Why couldn't Sebastian just dance with me instead of paying any mind to Prewett and Larson?

The three of us had left our corner table to get one more round of drinks before going through with my plan. Ominis' reaction to telling him the truth about Leander and Andrew had gone better than I expected though he was far more angry with the fact that Sebastian and I didn't just stumble upon each other only to then happen upon the Red-Devils — but Sebastian had lured me to the luggage car instead with the message I mistook as being from him. Of course I couldn't bring myself to tell him about Sebastian's physical advances - holding me, lifting me, the.. licking..

My body quivered with warm shivers thinking about it - not so much that it was Sebastian who did it, just the act of being intimately touched in itself. It had been an ever increasing craving that I felt across every ounce of my being that had been fueled all summer long by Ominis and our teasing; and the fact that it nearly came to a head last night had made being near him yet unable to touch him a special kind of torture.

Ominis' hand had been under the table rubbing at my thigh all night while I tried to stay engaged with my friends and the sense of relief when one of my Ravenclaw housemates came to whisk Samantha away as Tom had finally coaxed Poppy out of her shell was almost overwhelming - I couldn't feel guilty about pouring myself all over Ominis if everyone else was happily occupied, perhaps we could even sneak away to a different empty corner if there was one left.

Of course as it seemed to go with Ominis and I, whenever we had the opportunity to fully enjoy each other's company someone would come along to spoil it - this time it was Garreth which I hadn't minded too much, but Sebastian came along as well even though the last I paid him any mind he was being smothered by Imelda and looked quite content with it despite their history. Garreth's intention was obvious - he wanted to dance but I could tell right away from Sebastian's half-lidded staring that he was most likely thinking of ways to get me alone again.

And then there they were - the lewd thoughts. I still had them about him - though they were mostly just memories of the snogging and heavy petting we had done, nothing of any new desires to have him that way again but it was annoying how my body would always react to the contrary when we were alone together.

He wasn't more handsome or more desirable than Ominis in my mind. While Sebastian had given me my first tastes of intimacy, Ominis had unlocked within me an unholy level of passionate desires that I had only read about in disreputable books and thought unrealistic. Everything he did from our simple embracing to his fingertips that would take their time in memorizing every sensitive part of my body that he would allow himself to touch often times sent me into an alternate reality and now last night we pushed our boundaries even farther back - I wished to find those lines in the sand again to push them a little more.

I had hoped Ominis was tasting my intentions when I scandalously fed him my drink of whiskey and would request that we go elsewhere, but seemed for the moment that the alcohol was making it's rounds through his system too quickly.

And now almost everyone I know is happily tucked in with someone else at the moment.. enjoying their evening.

I peered around the pub that was still decently full of patrons still dancing and drinking. Poppy and Thomas spun around the room so many times I it was a wonder one of them hadn't gotten sick yet but I was strangely proud of her for taking the initiative on someone, even if I had the feeling that Tom was perhaps just looking for some superficial fun for the night I knew he wasn't a bad person and wouldn't hurt her.

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