Summertime Sadness, Part IV

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**two days later**

"Sebastian I need some water, please." Anne asked of me, struggling to sit up in bed. I leapt from my armchair to her side, adding more pillows behind her back before pouring her a glass of water from her bedside carafe. She sipped it carefully with labored swallows and fumbled the empty glass back onto the table, sending it rolling off the edge - I dove to catch it just before it hit the floor. A low groan accompanied the twist of discomfort on her face as she settled back into the mountain of pillows and closed her eyes, dozing back to her medicine induced sleep.

I returned to my armchair, sinking into it as far as I could and stretching my legs out in preparation to drift back to sleep myself. It had been a few days since the incident at the theatre with the Red-Devil Phantom Army - a ridiculous name for an obviously dangerous group of rogue wizards. Anne had performed brilliantly during our escape but the stress of the situation had done significant damage to her body, leaving her bed ridden and in more pain. When we returned to St. Mungo's that night the hospital staff had rushed to bring her vitals back up while fussing with my minor cuts and bruises, and I hadn't left her side since.

The Ministry of Magic Authorities showed up sometime later that night to take my initial statement on the incident but Dr. Kessington had steered them off from interrogating Anne and I until we had some rest. They did share with us that by the time they had arrived at the theatre the thieves had already left and the 'clean up' that comes with the Ministry having to cover up magic usage with muggles was underway. But the authorities were due back again today - an auror and two officers I was told, alongside Professor Weasley and Professor Black whom by all means of the law were responsible for Anne and I. The thought of seeing them made me nervous - Anne and I had used magic outside of Hogwarts and with a muggle in witness no less, grounds for immediate expulsion.

It presented another huge lie to add to the pile.

The door to Anne's room clicked open and Dr. Kessington's head appeared through the crack. "Sebastian, the Ministry investigators and your Headmasters are here. Are you alright to speak with them?"

My body felt heavy with lack of proper sleep as I reluctantly relocated to the sitting area of Anne's room, flopping down on the center of the small couch with a grunt. "Yeah - it's alright. Please ask them to be mindful of Anne's condition - she's asleep again."

Dr. Kessington pulled her back behind the door for a few moments before swinging it wide open for our guests. Professor Weasley pushed past the group and rushed over to my side, taking a seat on the couch and scooping me up in the kind of bone-crushing hug only a mother could give. Headmaster Black entered next, taking the other open spot next to me, a vexing look all across his face. Two male Ministry Officers in solid black uniforms also entered, followed by Dr. Kessington. Where was the Auror?

"Sebastian!" Professor Weasley said softly. "You dear boy, I was so worried when the Ministry explained to me what happened. Thank Godric you and Anne are alright."

"Yes, Thank Godric indeed. Though I would appreciate if you would stop getting yourself into situations that require involvement from the Ministry." Headmaster Black said pointedly. "It reflects poorly on—"

"Oh, stop it, Phineas! Do not act as though any of this - or any of that - was their fault. They're children for crying out loud - and they could have been killed!" Professor Weasley scolded him sharply, releasing me from her grasp and taking up my hands instead. "Pay him no heed Sebastian."

Headmaster Black promptly switched his demeanor upon Professor Weasley's lashings, sitting back in his seat anxiously. It was always amusing how daunting it could be to be in the presence of the Headmaster, that is until his Deputy shows up to put him in his place.

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