Phantom Train (Part One)

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After Professor Sharp and Y/N brought me back to St. Mungo's and I rushed immediately to Anne's room, hoping to still find her awake. Part of me wanted to tell her what I had witnessed at the Gaunt family flat - Ominis torn away at Y/N's dress to ravish her with bite marks and who knows where his actions would have stopped if Sharp and I hadn't showed - because no matter how much Anne wanted him back there was no way in hell I was going to let that happen now. Then again, I promised her I would fix her broken heart and see the traitorous prat return to her on his knees, begging for her love.

I should have fought harder against coming to London after OWLS. I could have easily stayed at Hogwarts with the two of them doing whatever summer job they took up with Mr. Moon. Their farce of a relationship would have never began, I would be the only one in Y/N's heart, and Anne would still have her Ominis. None of this would have ever happened!

I knocked on the door between our rooms, nothing, then tried the knob. The door swung open and I called out to Anne quietly, just in case. There was a single candle still lit by her bedside that allowed me to see her indeed tucked into bed and already asleep. I made my way to over to sit on the edge of her bed, trying again to call to her but she was in a deep slumber likely brought on by Dr. Kessington.

The two of them must have had a full day - she's going to be exhausted of course.

I returned to my own room to finish up the packing I left behind when Y/N picked me up this morning, changing into pajamas and setting out one of the brand new uniforms I had purchased for tomorrow. As I stacked my trunks full of belongings by the door I remembered to retrieve the special box hidden under my bed that contained the precious belongings of Y/N, opening it one last time to inspect it's contents with a smile. I would wait for the right time in the next couple weeks to finally present it to her, hoping for a favorable reaction. I still selfishly kept the tiny perfume bottle for myself - a keepsake I would hide under my pillow to aid my dreams at night.

I wonder if Ominis has already used his pull with Headmaster Black to have me removed from our luxurious dorm room?

If there were any side perks to being Ominis' friend the best one had to be the fact that he was given the nicest room in the boys dormitory - spacious, windows into the lake, beds that were definitely nicer than everyone else's - and he chose to share it with me. I spent only two nights in my other dorm room packed with myself and three other boys before all my things were suddenly moved over and I'll never forget that first night the two of us stayed up 'til dawn throwing around our ridiculous amount of pillows.

A sadness jabbed me in the chest as I realized those boyhood days were over and we've practically come of age in our manhood - in another blink our time at Hogwarts will be over and where would that leave him and I? I now knew nothing for certain except that I would return to London one day for good to become an Auror. I had two years to make Y/N mine again and my odds felt greatly increased with Aesop Sharp now on my side of the battlefield. He would see to it their betrothal dissolved, maybe better yet he would officially forbid their relationship and there would be no way for the two of them to hide one - not with the entire student body and myself around.

My own exhaustion was slowly taking over and I took one last look about the room, feeling a mix of emotions about leaving. Everything seemed packed up and ready, except for a package wrapped in black paper that I somehow missed sitting upon my writing desk - almost as if it had just appeared out of nowhere. Something Dr. Kessington has left me?

I sat down on the desk to examine it - there was a decent weight to the rectangular box that was maybe half the surface size of my small desk and when I shook it there was a muffled shuffling and soft jingle but nothing that sounded breakable. There was a notecard attached to one of the strings of twine tied around it that I turned over to read and had a little tickle of dread go down the back of my neck. It simply read "SALLOW" scribbled above a stamped Gaunt Family crest.

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