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Dearest Lovely Readers -

I have to deeply apologize for this one. As I mentioned before I do have another writing job to maintain as well as being kidnapped over the Memorial Day weekend by some bully big sisters. Because of all that, this has come two weeks later than I wanted it to but we are finally here - the summer is over and the prologue has ended - the real show primed to begin.

This was rewritten three times. My first draft was deemed too dark and sad by 'the council' and the next version completely unacceptable with lack of at least one steamy romance moment - so here is our final product!

I won't keep you waiting, but here's your mature content warning - cussing, adult themes, some moderate spiciness, heavy emotion and some new twists to rev up that anticipation. Enjoy - she's a long one!

XOXO - Ruby



Isaac had left me outside a rather large stone building with an insane amount of windows and spires along it's rooftop. It took up the entire corner of the street it was on and extended well into the block. A few figures came and went from the building, paying very little attention to me as I paced off to the side of it's main entrance in front of the cast iron sign reading "His Majesty's Treasury".

Ministry of Magic Headquarters must be in there somewhere, hidden just as St. Mungo's is. Why couldn't I go inside with him?

I leaned up against a stone pillar, looking up into the moonless night sky full of stars. The occasional owl flew overhead, disappearing into some inconspicuous hole near the roof of the building - no doubt their secret delivery entrance. Constellations began to pop out at me as I panned across the sky and I remembered the late hours in Astronomy class where I had to suffer with Amit being Y/N's partner instead of me. It was near impossible to pay attention to Professor Shah when I could listen in on the two of them deep in some conversation over planetary discoveries and theories of other galaxies, her voice laced with reverie for Amit's vast knowledge of the subject. I was only ever able to catch her attention like that when we were discussing the Dark Arts and long lost secrets of magic.

The Dark Arts.. I suppose all that studying and practice was for nothing - I wouldn't have a use for it becoming an Auror and it would only make everyone cross with me once again..

But now Y/N was gravitating to the very heart of the Dark Arts - the Gaunts - the undeniable masters of the art. Even though Ominis was strictly against it I knew he had a significant amount of mastery over it's uses than I did. The times I begged him to aid me and he would give me only the tiniest grain of help as I tried to learn despite his warnings.

And now he's put Y/N in a position where she is going to be forced to delve into it much farther than her and I ever did together - what a hypocrite. 

I had made the decision to inform Professor Sharp of the ridiculous betrothal contract that Ominis' father forced upon Y/N knowing fully well that the man wouldn't stand for it, even if her father was coaxed into signing it and adding to the value of it's validity. It was still a positively ridiculous notion and I wasn't going to stand by and let Y/N suffer just to appease Ominis. He had plenty to answer for and part of me wished to be nearby when he laid out the truth about Anne and Y/N destroyed all hope for his little fantasy life with her.

Am I being too harsh on him? He said he wanted all of us to make amends - he loves us, does that mean our little misfit family is still valid despite all this? Maybe I am looking at it all wrong and the four of us simply need to .. talk.

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