Summertime Sadness, Part VII

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I lay happily between Ominis's legs and across his body on one of the many comfortable couches located in the Defense Against The Dark Arts Tower, resting my head on the center of his chest while he played with my hair, relishing each other's company in blissful silence. It had been two days since I had to witness him be viciously attacked again by some terrifying creature, though thankfully this time his wounds weren't nearly as bad. I tried to follow up with Officer Singer about the identity of the Animagus, but she wasn't very forthcoming with information only offering up that he was interrogated and sent to Ministry headquarters for trial.

Ominis attempted to get more information from his new reptilian companion but alas, she was just a snake - doing as she was trained to do for food and didn't bother with any other details around her. Scytallia was a beautiful creature, measuring about four feet long with glittering white skin that melded into a dusting of bright pink across the length of her back. Her head was a peculiar shape, flat and wide with a bright pink crown of pointed scales that rose up around her eyes and ended at the tip of her snout. My favorite thing about her were the eyes - glassy light pink orbs with black slits down the centers. Curiosity led me to the library where I searched a handful of exotic creature books to learn that she was an Eyelash Viper - and a rare breed at that with her coloring - from the jungles of Central America. I found myself instantly in love with her, feeling sorry that someone took her so far from her home and judging by the scars down her length was abused during her training.

She is quite venomous, I wonder why she didn't just take to biting them as she did to protect Ominis?  

I ran the incident in the spider's nest through my head a hundred times - Ominis mentioning he was sensing two pursuers but only one appearing. They never directly attacked us but provoked the broodmother instead before fleeing. But did they flee? If they wanted Ominis dead surely they waited around to witness the deed be done, but instead I slayed the beast and did my first successful Apparition with Ominis' body back to Hogwarts. I was almost convinced that Ominis would perish that night, but he survived and at some point that same assailant must have found out - but when? The school grounds had a plethora of protection charms, almost double what it had before thanks to the goblin invasion - several of which that kept out anyone that wasn't faculty, a student, or with the Ministry. Even parents and extended family had to get special permission to be here.

Are they stalking him? The could have posted outside the school and waited for us to emerge. But there have been numerous opportunities to attack us again - why wait until we are in the middle of Hogsmeade to lay a trap for me and attack Ominis instead of coming for us both like the previous time?

"Because they saw me use the Ancient Magic to slay the acromantula..." I said aloud. Ominis' head bobbed up to life being woken from his dozing state. "They hadn't attacked us any other time before Hogsmeade because they needed a plan and an opportunity to disable me so I couldn't protect you!"

"You're over analyzing again, I can almost hear the steam whistling from your ears." He said sleepily, kissing the top of my head. "Why don't we just enjoy a nap together and sleuth out the person or persons trying to murder me another time?"

"How are you so nonchalant about someone trying to kill you?" I asked with a playful slap to his chest.

"Two reasons. One, because they were unsuccessful and caught, likely already sentenced to Azkaban. Two, my entire family - especially father and brother - have as many enemies as the day is long and quite frankly I'm surprised it took five years for someone to make attempts on my life since I left the manor."

I know Ominis claimed his parents had no feelings of attachment for him, but surely they would care if someone was trying to kill him. "Should you tell your parents?"

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