Chapter 5: Jason

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As the foods were served we didn't see the young woman who came to my office. Truth be told her daring words shocked me. It wasn't like I was being disrespectful but the documents I was reading were very delicate which was why I didn't raise my head or welcome her earlier.

As I was about to ask our cook if she had seen her she appeared with a glass of juice in her hand.

"Mr. Muscle I need a seat, since you didn't allow me to have my sleep and eat you should feed me," she said with a slight chuckle at the end of her statement. Everyone gapped at her with bulging eyes at how she spoke to me.

"And who do you think you are for my dad to obey," my daughter asked coldly.

"I'm a lot of things you don't wanna know but for now I'm just a raging female dragon," she replied with a smirk.

"So Mr . Muscle are you doing it or not," she asked as her phone rang. She took her cell phone as she connected the call her aura took a three-sixty-degree change causing everyone to gasp in disbelief.

"Hello, how are you ?" She asked the person on the other side of the phone as she sat on the chair offered by someone, directly facing my daughter. She switched the call to loudspeaker and set the phone down as she served herself some food.

For some reason, I felt uncomfortable with how that guy addressed her which confused me.

"I'm fine sweetie, I just wanted to check up on you and remind you that you shouldn't spend the whole day in bed without food and please call Steven and talk to him," a young man said from the other side.

"Okay baby but why do I need to talk to him.." she asked.

" His auntie is threatening him, no matter how much I try to calm him he just seems not to calm down. It's as if his having a traumatic attack " the young man told her.

"Okay I'll call you later but investigate that woman, I think she needs a reminder " she replied calmly before hanging up and calling someone else. The call connected fast shocking everyone.

"Steve, dear," Zara called out softly, her voice a stark contrast to the stern tone she had used earlier.

A sobbing voice crackled through the phone, "Sis, please don't send me back." My daughter's expression turned pained, her eyes clouding with empathy as we listened with our enhanced hearing.

Zara's response was immediate and reassuring. "I will never do that to you. You're my brother, and I'll kill anyone who tries to hurt you. I love you, and no one can take you away from me, okay?"

Her words calmed the boy instantly, and his gratitude-filled voice replied, "Thank you, sis."

Zara's demeanor remained gentle, "No need to thank me. Now, go have a good shower and eat breakfast. Carl will pick you up later for shopping." The boy hummed in agreement.

"Call me when you get back," she said before hanging up. The room fell silent as she switched back to her cold, detached mood.

Everyone watched in awe as she began eating with a calm, almost serene expression. The tension in the room dissipated, replaced by an unusual sense of peace. This was the most tranquil breakfast we'd ever shared.

Within ten minutes, Zara finished her meal and walked into the kitchen with her plate, her movements economical and precise. The silence continued, punctuated only by the clinking of dishes as she washed her plate and utensils with methodical efficiency.

My wife raised an eyebrow, her expression incredulous. "Who is she?" she asked, her tone laced with a hint of annoyance.

I hesitated, knowing I was in trouble. "She's the new owner of the house down the street," I replied cautiously.

My wife's brow furrowed deeper. "And you don't know her name?"

I shifted uncomfortably under her intense gaze, sighing softly. "No, I don't. It's as if she doesn't exist."

Just then, a soft voice spoke up from behind me. "That's because there's no reason for me to exist."

I turned to see the mysterious woman standing in the doorway, her eyes fixed on me with an unnerving intensity. I felt a surge of frustration, realizing that my vast connections and resources had been unable to uncover any information about her.

She yawned, still looking sleepy, and spoke in a detached tone. "Please, hurry up and tell me why I'm here."
As I was satisfied I stood up and walked towards her. "I want to know your name so that I can put it in my system," I told her my reason for calling her.

"I'm Zara Dawn Wyatt," she replied with a sigh, prompting a shocked gasp from someone behind me.

"You're the CEO of Crystal?" my wife asked, her voice laced with astonishment.

Zara's gaze met mine, and she nodded. "You know her?" Zara inquired, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"She's our daughter," my wife revealed, a hint of pride in her voice.

Zara's expression turned knowing. "Ah, I see. You've indeed raised a force to be reckoned with." She smiled wryly. "A true spitfire."

I chuckled inwardly, recalling Crystal's unyielding nature. No man could deceive her and escape unscathed.

Zara's tone turned stern. "Let's keep my CEO status under wraps, shall we?"

She then shifted her attention to me. "I'd like to enroll my brother in your school on Monday, if there's availability."

As she walked towards the living room, she added, her words directed to my best friend, "Oh, and Mr. Brown, apologies for my rudeness this morning. I'm not a weekend person."

I found myself muttering, "I like her," which caused everyone to choke on their food. My wife's deadly tone made me quickly backtrack. "I mean, I didn't mean anything by it. I just... appreciate her directness."

I knew better than to incur my wife's wrath, especially when she was protective of our daughter. Zara's fiery personality was already making waves, and I had a feeling this was only the beginning.

As I stepped into the elevator, my friend followed closely behind, his silence a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside me. I could sense his suppressed amusement at my predicament, but I didn't acknowledge it. My mind was preoccupied with thoughts of him – the one who had captivated my heart.

My friend's gentle probe broke the silence. "Are you thinking about him?" He knew the answer, and I didn't bother responding. Instead, I let out a sorrowful sigh, and he muttered, "Of course you are," more to himself than to me.

I confided in him, my voice laced with vulnerability. "I don't know what I would do if I lost him. I hope he comes back home. I want him to know that I love him and I'll always be here for him." My friend's expression was empathetic, and he offered words of encouragement. "Something good is gonna happen soon. I can feel it."

As we entered my office, he asked, "Have you investigated Zara?" I nodded, furrowing my brows. "Yes, but it's as if she never existed. No records, no trail. It's confusing, but now that I have her full name, I'll dig deeper. I'll need your help with that." My friend agreed, and with a determined glint in his eye, he exited the office, leaving me to ponder the enigma that was Zara Dawn Wyatt.

I let out a weary sigh, flipping open a document as I began my investigation anew. The mystery surrounding Zara was palpable, and I was determined to uncover the truth. Little did I know, this was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

Zara Dawn Wyatt's name resonated with me, echoing in the depths of my mind like a faint memory. I struggled to place where I had heard it before, but my brain stubbornly refused to yield the answer, shrouding it in an impenetrable fog.

What's more, my wolf's behavior around her was baffling. He had grown inexplicably fond of her, displaying a protectiveness that I couldn't comprehend. It was as if he had claimed her as his own, and I was left to ponder the reason behind this unusual attachment.

My wolf's instincts were rarely wrong, and his affinity for Zara only added to the enigma surrounding her. I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her than met the eye, and I found myself increasingly entwined in the mystery that was Zara Dawn Wyatt.


Forgive me for the short chap. Send in your thoughts, please.

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