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"Let us toast Team Z's victory in our second game. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" You all put a cup filled with juice up.

"Okay, dig in, everyone." Kunigami says and everyone stabs their fork into a piece of steak. You take one piece and place it in the center of your ramen. You of course had more food than anyone else there, because of your big appetite, and you did need the food.

"I missed you, meat! So good!" Igarashi hums as you giggle slightly.

"This is the heavenly taste of victory!" Yudai exclaims, clutching his fork tightly while tears come out the side of his eyes.

"Hey! This meat is the bonus for the goals Y/n and Isagi scored. I know we're sharing it, but leave some for them!" Gagamaru says after Asahi eats another slice of steak.

"I donf mphm- minf! I haf more than enough, you shouf eat more, Gagamaru-kun!" Your voice mumbles due to you stuffing your mouth with ramen.

After hearing that, Asahi pops another piece of steak into his mouth, letting out a hum after he does so. "Hey! That's mine! Spit it out!" Gagamaru exclaims and pounces on Asahi.

"Okay, everyone, we're going to do this potluck style." Kuon smiles as he holds a tray. "We'll get to taste each other's dishes, so no fighting."

"Sounds fun!" You smile brightly.

"What are you, a lunch lady?" Raichi asks sarcasticly.

"I see gyoza!" Igarashi exclaims. "Udon! And it's spicy!"

"What's those pink things, though?" Gagamaru asks, poking the sakura mochi a bit.

"Sakura mochi! My favorite sweet!" You smile as he lets out a small 'ohh' and nods.

"Natto's not bad every once in a while." Iemon smiles, stirring up the natto a bit.

"Here's my pickled radish dish!" Igarashi holds it up for everyone to see while the smile never leaves his lips.

"No thanks." Everyone says and goes back to eating while you laugh.

While everyone talks you see Chigiri sitting in a corner by himself, you decide to bring a couple dishes and walk towards him and sit next to him. "Why aren't you with everyone else?" You ask.

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