Chapter 2

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The next morning Quinn woke up to being squished by to teenagers on either side of her

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The next morning Quinn woke up to being squished by to teenagers on either side of her. She gently pushed them where they we're against the arm of the couch. Getting up she decided to make breakfast for the boys knowing they had to be up in a hour to get ready for school. Going into the kitchen she got out the pan she needed and pancake mix. She had already put her coffee on already knowing she was going to need it to deal with two energized boys. She mixed the pancake mix up and put chocolate chips in it knowing that's how Scott likes them, After doing that she turned the stove on to get the pan hot while waiting she poured her coffee taking a sip.

It's been about 20 minutes now and the pancakes were ready after taking the last of them out the pan she walked into the living room "Boys! It's time to get up so you guys can eat before you get ready for school." Hearing her voice startled the boys awake making them freak out before taking in there surroundings. "Aunt Quinn you didn't have to scare us!" Scott exclaimed. The women just shrugged walking back into the kitchen. "She 's cruel." Stiles stated to his friend before jumping up and going into the kitchen to eat. After a couple minutes Scott walked into the kitchen kissing his godmother's forehead and then grabbing his plate out her hand. "Thank you." Scott took his sit when he realized Quinn wasn't eating. "Aunt Quinn did you already eat?" The women shook her head and Scott gave her a look. He knew in the past how his godmother had a tendency to not eat until later at night. "Calm down honey after y'all go to school I'm going out to have breakfast with a friend." Quinn explained so Scott wouldn't worry. As soon as the words left her mouth both boys perked up "Who?" They both asked. Quinn just rolled her eyes at the two, "That's my business you to focus on your own." Sending them pointed looks. "Are you working today?" Scott asked cause he wanted to come by and spend more time with her after school. "Nope I'm off for the next 2 days. Why?" Quinn questioned cause Scott doesn't usually ask when she works. "I figured after school I'd come by here and spend more time with you." Scott explained after taking the last bite of his pancakes. "I should be home when you get out if not you know where the key is and Stiles your welcome to come to if you want." She said the boy nodded his head rapidly especially if it meant he got more of Quinn's cooking.

The boys were now gone. Quinn had just finished getting dress when there was a knock at the door. Going to the door Quinn opened it revealing who she was waiting on "Hey." Quinn exclaimed smiling softly at Noah. Noah smiling saying hi back. "Ready to go." Quinn nodded grabbing her bag and walking out the door and locking it. "So where are we going?" Quinn asked as Noah opened the passenger door for her making her smile softly at him in thanks. He closed the door getting in on the driver side. "I figured we'd go to this small diner that serves amazing breakfast." Noah answered. The man was nervous he knew he just met the beautiful blonde last night but he was kinda hoping after this he would get to know her more just to see where it goes. "Sounds good. I just have to be back before the boy get out of school they already asked if they could come over again." Quinn stated chuckling cause Noah to laugh as well. He was surprised his son was getting along with the women so quick usually he'd want a background check done first. Maybe there was something special about this women.
They arrived at the restaurant after a short drive going inside and being seated in a booth. Ordering there food and started talking again. "Stiles is a sweet kid you know.You did a good job with him." Noah smiled at the women. "Thank you it wasn't easy at times but I try." The women nodded understanding. Last night while at the game Noah had explained how it was just him and Stiles. "What's some of his favorite things? I was going make him a room up in my house for when him and Scott stay the night again." This shocked Noah this women just met his son and already wanted to make him a room for when he stayed over with Scott and the fact she actually wanted to get to know his son, it made him like her more. "He loves Stars Wars and his Favorite color is blue." The women hummed already getting ideas. "You know you don't have to give him a room right?" Noah hated for Quinn to take up room in her house just for stiles, but she just shook her head. "I don't mind it's just me in that big house Scott's had room in it since he was in elementary school. It's not a problem really. Plus, I rather not fall asleep on the couch and almost get crushed." This caused Noah to laugh.
The couple continued to talk until it was time for her to head back they spent almost 4 hours in the diner just talking and getting to know each other.

Arriving to Quinn's house Noah walked her to the door. "Thank you for having breakfast with me I had fun." Quinn smiled. "I did to maybe we can do it again sometime?" Noah nodded. "I would love that. I've gotta get back to the station to take care of some stuff but I'll call you later." Quinn nodded before getting on her tiptoes kissing Noah's Cheek "Thank you for a good breakfast date. I'll see you soon." Noah nodded walking backwards off the porch telling her goodbye before getting into his car and heading to the station. Quinn walked into the house closing the door and leaning against it. This was the beginning of a great relationship.

 This was the beginning of a great relationship

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