Chapter 19

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It's been a couple days since Issac had moved into the Stilinski-James Household and the young teen couldn't be happier

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It's been a couple days since Issac had moved into the Stilinski-James Household and the young teen couldn't be happier. He felt like he finally belonged and had a place called home. Home, a place where he actually felt safe and part of a family. At first Issac didn't know how things were going to go with him being Derek's beta and Scott and Stiles being there most of the time but the 3 actually got along playing video games in the living room, playing with Autumn or just sitting in one of the rooms talking.
Issac couldn't help but thank Noah and Quinn for taking him in, Whenever it came time for Quinn to cook Issac would help his mother figure or help Noah with something around the house. It's was a small family and everyone was

Stiles didn't think things would work out at first but once Issac and Stiles started hanging out the developed a brotherly bond one where they were constantly bickering back and forth But, no supernatural drama was mentioned as the boys promised. Quinn couldn't be happier she had all she ever wanted and that was a family. That's all the golden blonde needed. She was shocked when she seen Issac and Stiles actually getting along but she couldn't help the warm feeling in her chest when she seen them act like they were biological brothers causing both her and Noah to laugh at them. Little Autumn had already have the curly blonde beta wrapped around her little fingers having him at every beckon and need. Whether it was to play watch her favorite movie or just sitting talk with her and Stiles.

Currently the Oldest women of the house was going through some work documents that they had sent over from the hospital in her office when. Issac came knocking on the door. "Quinn" Issac stated gently getting the women's attention. "Hey sweetie. What's up?" She could tell the boy was nervous to ask something she saw the hesitation in his eyes. Issac was scared to ask him if he could go to the substation to train with Derek. The young boy was still trying to get over his past living situation scared he would have to go through it again. "Derek needs me for training is it ok if I go?" Quinn smile softly at the nervous boy before standing up and walking over to him grabbing his hands gently. "You never have to ask me if you call go somewhere. You come and go as you please as long as you let me know your leaving. Your safe here honey no one is going to hurt you." She stated softly looking him in the eyes. "Now, you run along and tell Der if he messes with you he'll have to deal with me." She stated jokingly but also meaning it. She'd have Derek's head if he hurts her son. With a big smile Issac kiss his mothers head. "Thanks mom!" rushing out not even realizing what he said until he was half way to the to the substation and started panicking.

Quinn was shocked but also happy she had another child that looked at her as a mother figure. After getting over the shock she went back to work before having to start dinner unaware of what was having in the kitchen. In the kitchen was Stiles Scott and Autumn who were trying to cook dinner. Keyword Trying. The 3 had messes everywhere pots and pans dirty in the sink and food getting burnt. "Ok, This isn't working out none of us know how to cook!" Stiles exclaimed throwing a pot holder down. Scott nodded his head agreeing. But poor Autumn wasn't taking it. "No this was supposed to be a surprise for mommy since she's been so stressed lately cause of before being in the hospital and missing work!" Autumn cried out. All she wanted to do was surprise her mama so she wouldn't have to stress about dinner. "Little Leaf, Mom is the only one in the house that can cook besides dad." Stiles stated gently looking his sister in the eyes having crouched down to her level. Also calling her the nickname he gave her a couple weeks after she got settled "Don't forget Issac to! He's been helping Aunt Quinn cook." Scott stated looking like a kicked puppy when Stiles gave him a shut up look. "Yea Icy could do it. Let's just ask him!" The little girl was about to rush to her other brothers room when Stiles gently grabbed her arm stopping her. "Issac not here. He had to go to work Leaf." Both Scott and Stiles knew that was a lie but by damn were they going to let another family member be involved in the supernatural. "But mommy deserves this. She's done everything for us when never asked her to." The little girls eyes were glassy from where she was about to cry. All Autumn wanted was take a little stress off her mother. Stiles sighed grabbing his phone and picking the crying Autumn up and handing her to Scott. The boy waved his phone pointing to it stating he was making a call. The wolf nodded and then going to soothe Autumn.

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