Quinn James is a Doctor and best friend/Coworker of Melissa McCall and also the god mother of Scott McCall one day Melissa invited her to go to one of Scott's games where she meets the town sheriff. Will the to him it off? Or is it just friendship...
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Quinn sighed as she and her best friend walked down the hallway of the hospital. The two best friends were talking when a boy walked by them. "Hey, next time you come into the hospital make sure you wipe your feet." Quinn exclaimed looking at the boy. "Yes ma'am." He stated quickly before walking off. "That was weird." Melissa mumbled before the two began walking. "Ok had you look for a dress yet?" Melissa asked her best friend excitedly causing Quinn to chuckle. "I've been looking but none have caught my eye yet. But.. I do have a question for you." Quinn stated smiling at her friend. The curly hair woman looked at her confused. "Will you be my maid of honor?" She mumbled nervously scared the woman wouldn't want to. Melissa looked at the girl shocked before a smile spread across her face "of course I will." She stated excitedly hugging the blonde who sighed in relief. "How about tonight we do wine and look at dresses. Since the boys are hanging out and Autumn is staying the night with a best friend. The blonde agreed before they both went separate ways. Unaware of what would actually happen tonight
After work the two went to the James/Stilinski house to hang out and drink wine they have been off a couple hours now and we're looking through dress magazines when Melissa's phone started ringing. "Hello." Melissa answered and putting it on speaker when Scott asked since the boy already knew the two women were together. "Do you and Aunt Quinn remember talking to a teen tonight?" Scott asked causing Melissa to roll her eyes. "Scott, you know how many people we deal with in a day?" The women asked. "This one's sixteen, he's got dark hair, looks like a normal teenager..." Scott trailed off. "Yeah, he looks evil!" Stiles yelled in the background causing the blonde to roll her eye at her son figure. "Scott, we already talked to the police about this." Melissa explained knowing some details of everything. "Okay, Mom, I'm gonna take a picture and send it to you." Scott stated. "Did you get it?" The boy asked a couple minutes after he sent it. Melissa pulled the photo up putting it where Quinn could see it to. "That's the boy I fussed at cause he was trailing mud in the hospital." Quinn stated causing Melissa to nod. "Scott what's going on." The curly hair women asked worried about her son. "Nothing mom gotta go bye" Scott stated hanging up before either women could reply causing them to send a look to each other. Quinn knew it most likely had something to do with supernatural so she decided to stay out of it.
About 30 minutes after the woman got off the phone with her son Scott called back stating he needed them to come to the station so here both women were standing outside the police station. "I just wanted a girls wine night but of course our sons need us again." Quinn whined causing Melissa to laugh as the opened the door to the station. "Where are they?" Quinn asked getting a gut feeling something was wrong. Both women heard a noise causing them to turn around and see Scott. "Scott you scared us, where is—." Melissa trailed off seeing Matt. "Just do what he says he promises he won't hurt you." Scott stated softly. "He's right." Matt stated before shooting Scott and rushing forward and grabbing Quinn knowing she was the main key to everyone in the station. "But I didn't say I wouldn't hurt you or her." Matt stated calmly. After some pleading and Scott getting up from the floor Matt lead them to the cell where he had Noah put keeping his gun to Quinn's head.