Quinn James is a Doctor and best friend/Coworker of Melissa McCall and also the god mother of Scott McCall one day Melissa invited her to go to one of Scott's games where she meets the town sheriff. Will the to him it off? Or is it just friendship...
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The next day it was just Quinn and Autumn since everyone else was at work or school. Quinn had decided that she was going to take Autumn out shopping for new stuff especially clothes since the 5yr old barely had any or that barely fit her. She women softly walked over to the where the little girl was asleep and gently sat on the bed. "Autumn honey it's time to get up." The girl just groaned going back to sleep. Quinn sighed only known Stiles for one day and was already acting like him. "Autumn, I figured we'd go shopping and get you more clothes and more stuff for your room." Autumn just mumbled even though the girl was only 5 she hated shopping with a passion and you'd have to bribe her just to get up. Quinn sighed pondering on how to get this stubborn little girl up before coming up with a idea. She gently took her hands and started tickling the girl making her go into a giggle fit. Now the little girl was looking at her calming her little giggles down. "How about this? After we get done shopping we can go get ice cream. Autumns eyes lite up at the word. "Chocolate?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. Quinn Chuckled "Yes, We can get chocolate." The young just jumped up grabbing a pair of clothes she brought with her and rushed into the bathroom. She was ready for ice cream.
The two had now arrived at the mall and were currently in a kids clothing store. "Alright Autumn pick out whatever clothes you want and then we'll go get you a couple toys and then ice cream." Autumn nodded holding on to her Guardians hand and walking over picking a couple shirt then a couple pants enough stuff to last her a while. They checked out and headed to the toys store so the girl could pick a couple toys. Autumn picked a doll, teddy bear, and a few miscellaneous things.
After the two had checked out they headed out the mall to go to the Ice cream parlor. "Can Mr. Noah and Stiles come with us?" Autumn asked looking up at her guardian. Quinn sighed. "Not today honey sadly they are at work and at school." This cause Autumn to look down at the ground sadly every home the girl had stayed in none of the families wanted to spend time with her they would either lock her in her room or in the closet she was starting to think maybe things weren't different. Quinn had noticed her daughters change in mood and secretly text Noah explaining everything stating how Autumn wanted the two men also. So the two had come up with a plan. "Alright Honey, You ready for ice cream?" Quinn asked helping the girl get buckled up straight. Autumn just nodded looking out the window. Quinn sighed she felt like she already failed at being the supporting family member she needed.
Soon the two arrived with the ride remaining in silence no matter have many times Quinn talked she only got ignored. "Yep I've failed already" kept repeating in the woman's head. Quinn got out and helped Autumn unbuckle when the little girl squealed and jump out the car running toward the person she had her eyes on. "Stiles!" Autumn yelled jumping into her big brothers arms completely passing Noah. Noah smiled as he watched the interaction between his son and little girl.
He frowned when he notice Quinn hadn't join him, he looked over noticing her leaning against the car watching the interaction with a small smile. But the man could tell something was wrong with his girlfriend so he walked over to her wrapping his arm around her kissing the side of her head. "What's wrong?" Noah questioned. Quinn just shook her head cause she knew she was just being stupid and had to remember this girl had been through a lot but just couldn't help that small part her that felt guilty for upsetting the girl. Noah sighed knowing not to push her to talk and that she would talk when she was ready.
Stiles had noticed his mother figures down mood. "Hey Autumn, what wrong with Quinn? The little girl looked up at him with her doe eyes "I think I hurt her feelings. She said you and Mr. Noah couldn't join us and I got upset and ignored her." She explained in a small voice. Stiles sighed. "That wasn't very nice was it?" The little girl just shook her head. "Why don't I take you over there and you can say sorry?" Autumn nodded knowing she did the wrong thing once her and Stiles got to where Noah and Quinn were, Autumn reach out for Quinn. The woman took the little girl from Stiles becoming shocked when Autumn wrapped her arms tightly around Quinn's neck. "I'm sorry." She mumbled into her mother figure's shoulder. "It's ok babydoll I'm not mad." Quinn soothed rubbing her hand up and down Autumns back. "Now how about we go get ice cream?" The little girl squealed excitedly reaching for Stiles. Once the teen had his sister hr rushed them into the ice cream parlor. "I think we know who her favorite is." Noah stated laughing softy. Quinn nodded "Maybe so but atleast we know those two get along perfectly." Quinn was happy that the two got along but she also knew that if Scott was around things would be hectic. "How about we get in there before they buy the whole store." Noah joked wrapping his arm around the women once again guiding her inside the store. Now the four were sitting down eating ice cream making jokes and laughing and having a conversations. To anyone who saw this would have thought is was a family. But to them it was 4 people who were slowly growing into one.
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