Chapter 14

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Quinn was currently driving home from work, they had asked her to stay late so Noah had offered to pick up Autumn

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Quinn was currently driving home from work, they had asked her to stay late so Noah had offered to pick up Autumn. Quinn was about 20 minutes from her house when suddenly something ran out in front of her causing her to swerve and lose control of the car crashing into a ditch and flipping the car and slamming into a tree knocking her unconscious.

"Quinn James age 33. Car flipped we don't know how long she's been out a person passing by found her." A paramedic called out causing Melissa McCall's head to perk up and rush over to help with assistance. "We need to get her to surgery we got internal bleeding!" The doctor yelled out after checking her stomach over. "Also someone please make her family aware!" The doctor called out as they rushed to the elevator. Melissa rushed over dialing Noah number. "Hello?" Noah greeted. Melissa took deep breaths calming herself before breaking the news. "Noah you need to get here fast. It's Quinn." Those words caused Noah's heart to drop he couldn't do this again. He couldn't lose another women he loved. "I'm on my way" the man stated hanging up now giving the McCall women time to reply. He took a few deep breaths for walking into the living where Stiles, Autumn, and Scott were watching a movie. Stiles hear he father walk in looking toward in his heart dropping seeing the emotion in his eyes he knew something was wrong. "Dad, what is it?" He asked gaining Scott and Autumn's attention. "We need to get to the hospital. Mel just called." Stiles could have sworn he felt his heart stop. "What do you mean?" He asked jumping up and picking Autumn on his hip. The next words that came out of his mouth made both Scott and Stiles world come crashing down. "It's Quinn."

The 4 were now rushing into the hospital luckily Melissa met them half way. "Where is she?" Noah rushed out. "They rushed her to surgery there was internal bleeding. I haven't heard anything yet. Come on." The women lead the 4 a private area in the waiting room. "From what the paramedic said she was in a car crash and it flipped. That's all we know." Melissa explained. Stiles sighed sitting down in one of the car with Autumn in his lap hugging her tightly after the little girl found out Quinn was hurt she hadn't stopped crying. "She going to be ok right?" He couldn't do this again he could not lose another important person. He hated to admit but if it came down to it he would beg Derek to do something. He also knew he needed to let Derek knew about his sister figure. "Imma be honest and not sugarcoat, I don't know Honey." She stated sitting beside Scott with her arm around him in comfort. She had noticed that her son was quiet and could tell he was trying to stay strong she didn't know if was for all of them or for Autumn.

Noah was now pacing starting to get impatient. Stiles was still holding Autumn tightly for her sake and his sake. Scott was in the comfort of his mom who was now off work. It had been about 3 hours since Noah and the kids got there and Quinn was still in surgery. "Dad, why don't you sit down." The man just shook his head at his son. The man couldn't be still he was worried and need to move around, causing he knew if sat down he would break. He needed to stay strong for his son and daughter, he didn't need them seeing him like that.

Finally a doctor had starting coming toward them. "Family of Quinn James." He called out causing all of them to stand. "Why don't we go somewhere private?" He asked causing Noah to nod before looking toward Stiles he was about to ask if he would stay out here cause he didn't want Autumn to hear if it was to bad but Melissa stopped him. "You guys go I got her." She stated taking her unbiological niece from Stiles. The 3 followed the doctor until they got to a room him letting them enter first motioning for them to sit. "They surgery was a success but she did crash on the table twice. Luckily we were able to stabilize her and stop the bleeding. She does have a broke arm and will most likely have a concussion. But, what we are worried about is when she wakes up. We don't know when she's is going to wake up the accident caused a lot of trauma to her body along with her being exhausted and dehydrated. We have her in recovery right now and when we get her to a room we can allow visitors." The Doctor explained. "I'll give you guys to process and if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer." The doctor stated walking out the room. Stiles sighed leaning back in the chair and looking at the ceiling. "So it's not bad bad but it is bad." Noah nodded. "The way he made it sound was that there is a chance she has to much trauma and may not wake up." He explained rubbing his hands together. The man didn't know how to react. There was a chance Quinn wouldn't wake up, finally that's when the wall broke and Noah started crying. He couldn't lose her never in his life after his wife passed did he think he'd be able to love again and then here came Quinn working her way into the Stilinski man's heart. Stiles rushed forward hugging his dad tightly he knew Noah would break soon but didn't know when. Scott had finally broke to causing Stiles to pull the teen wolf into the comforting hug to. "This is Quinn she's going to be ok." Stiles reassured unsure on if he was reassuring the two people in the embrace or himself or all of them. After a couple minutes they all pulled away. "No one tells Autumn it's this bad. I can't break her heart and have her thinking her mom isn't coming home. I know one thing though imma figure out how it was caused." The man stated determination in his voice. Both boys nodded before Stiles excused himself.

The boy walked down the hall and out of sight of eyes and pulled his phone out and dial a number. "Hello." Greeted the cold tone voice of Derek. Derek had ended up given Stiles his number during the time Peter was still alive but the boy never used it until now. "Hey it's um Stiles." The hale man just rolled his eyes on the other end of the call. "I know Stiles it called call id. What to you need." He demanded causing Stiles to sigh. "There's been a accident. It's mom." The word just rolling out "She was in a car accident and I know you guys are practically family to I wanted you to know." Stiles explained putting his hand in his pocket. "From what the doctors are saying it's pretty bad they make it sound like they don't know if she's going to wake up there was a lot of trauma along with exhaustion and Dehydration" the boy kept explaining. Derek was listening but couldn't speak he was in shock because from what he was hearing was that he could lose another family member and there was a chance she was to weak to accept the bite. So the alpha didn't know what to do. He knew his betas were in the next room over so the man was keeping his tears at bay. "Stiles keep me updated please. I knew your dads probably there and it will look suspicious if I just show up." The way Derek had asked shocked Stiles he's never heard please come from the alpha before. Stiles nodded before he realized Derek couldn't see him. "I will and yeah I understand. If anything changes I'll let you know." The two men bid their farewell before ending the call.

As soon as the call ends Stiles leans against the wall sliding down putting his knees up and laying his arms on them along with laying his forehead against his arms. Sobs finally coming out. It seemed like history kept repeating itself for the boy. Because 6 years ago he was in this same spot waiting on fate to take it course with his mother. Now here he was in the same position waiting on fate to decide the course for his mother figure and the teen didn't know if he could handle losing another over the 6 months they've known each other the women had done nothing but treat him like her own. For the first time in forever Stiles sat there begging what ever being was listening not to take his second mom and leave his sister in the same place he was in when he was younger. No matter what happened Stiles was going to be there for his sister and if Quinn did survive he was going to be there every set of the way for her recovery. That was the promise the young teen made before heading back to the waiting room and joining the others waiting on fate to decide.

 That was the promise the young teen made before heading back to the waiting room and joining the others waiting on fate to decide

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Never To Old~N. Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now