Chapter 10

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Quinn was rushing around trying to make sure everything was in order today was the day Autumn was coming and she wanted everything to be perfect

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Quinn was rushing around trying to make sure everything was in order today was the day Autumn was coming and she wanted everything to be perfect. Stiles and Scott sat on the couch watching her every time one of them asked her if she wanted them to help she'd tell them no so they just sat down. Stiles sighed standing up and grabbing the women before she could recheck the same area again pulling her and sitting her on the couch beside Scott causing him to wrap his arm around her shoulder stopping her from getting up. Stiles crouched down in from of her "Mom, everything is perfect you don't have to recheck it anymore." He soothed the women. "Aunt Quinn you've been making sure everything is perfect the past couple days. It's perfect for Autumn she is going to feel safe, loved, and protected." Scott added on. "But what if everything isn't perfect and the caseworker changes her mind?" Stiles sighed putting his hands on the women's cheeks making her look into his eyes. "Mom you have been working so hard on making sure this little girl has everything she needs and making sure this house is safe for her. You are already a amazing mom and your going to be a amazing mom to Autumn." Stiles reassured her. Causing Scott to smile at the interaction happy that they have gotten to this point in there relationship. Quinn nodded with happy tears in her eyes "Thank you." Stiles smiled kissing his mother figure's forehead.

It's been about a hour since the boys had forced Quinn to sit down and Noah had finally joined them after having to take care of stuff at the station when there was a knock at the door causing Noah and Quinn to stand up and walk to it. Opening the door there stood Autumn and her caseworker. Quinn greeted the caseworker while Noah crouched down to Autumn's height. "Hi Autumn it's nice to meet you." Noah spoke softly causing the little girl to smile shyly. "Would you like to go in and meet Scott and Stiles." Noah asked. Autumn nodded holding her arms out to be picked up. Noah smiled softly picking the 5 year old up carrying her into the living room where the boys were watching a movie. "Stiles, Scott." Noah called out making the two look up smiling softly when they saw the 5yr old. Autumn's eyes scanned the two before smiling back at them. Stiles got up slowly approaching them so he wouldn't scare the little girl. "Hi Autumn I'm Stiles would you like to watch a movie with me and Scott?" Stiles asked softly. "Sure" Autumn mumbled. Reaching out to Stiles, Stiles happily took the little girl from his dad and walked over to the couch sitting beside Scott and putting Autumn in the middle. The 3 adults stood back watching the interaction. "Alright how about we get this last bit of paperwork signed and she'll officially be Autumn Grace Stilinski." The caseworker stated. Quinn nodded leading her and Noah to the kitchen so they could sign everything.

After about a hour the paperwork was signed. "Alright and there we go she is officially part of your family. Thank you for adopting her this little girl has been through so much in her foster homes in the last 5 years that's it's unfair. Just from looking I can tell she's in a safe place now." The caseworker stated pulling Quinn into a hug. The adults headed back toward the living room coming upon a sight on the couch Stiles Autumn and Scott were asleep. Autumn laying across Stiles and Scott's lap and the boys leaning on each other. "Yeah she's definitely home." Quinn whispers laughing softly at the 3 kids while leaning into Noah. "Here let me walk you out." Noah stated kissing the side of Quinn head before leading the caseworker out.

Quinn walked over an gently picked Autumn up and carrying her to her room so she could nap where she was comfortable kissing her forehead before walking out and leaving the door open. When she walked into the living she saw Noah standing in the door way looking at the boys. "You wanna scare them?" Noah asked with a mischievous look in his eye. Quinn nodded chuckling. "Oh my god!" Quinn yelled in a panic tone making both boys jump up and look around before realizing Autumn wasn't there. "She was just here we swear we didn't lose her!" Stiles rambled while Scott just nodded. The boys continued to panic until Noah and Quinn busted out laughing causing both boys to look at them confused. "Autumn is fine she's asleep in her bed." Quinn reassured them walking into the kitchen to cook. "Scott make sure your mom knows to come here after work!" Quinn yelled out. Noah walked into the kitchen with her "So what's the plan for dinner." Noah asked. Quinn just shrugged cause honestly she didn't know what to cook, cause she didn't know what Autumn would like to eat. "We could just order pizza instead in the paperwork it says the only thing she's allergic to is peanuts so she'll be able to eat it." Noah stated. Quinn sighed nodding "That works I can cook tomorrow." Noah nodded walking over to Quinn pulling her into a loving embrace. He could see her starting to worry again and was trying to comfort her. "You are going to do a amazing job as a mother stop worrying." She looked up at him and took a few deep breaths "I can do this." Noah smiles before gently pulling her into a loving kiss.

The couple had order three pizzas just so they knew there was enough especially since there was a houseful. Melissa had officially arrived a hour later and her and Autumn had meet everyone and now they were currently sitting around in the living room watching movies Autumn picked out. "Ms. James can I have more orange juice?" Noah and Quinn shared a look knowing how the other house treated her from her documents "Autumn come here sweetie." Quinn motioned for the girl to sit in her lap which she complied. "You never have to ask me for anything ok? You just tell me you need more drink and I will get it and Babydoll, you don't have to worry about any of us hurting you. You are safe here." Autumn nodded cuddling into the women unaware of the four sets on her as they smiled at the interaction cause they all knew that Autumn was officially home in the arms of Quinn James.

" Autumn nodded cuddling into the women unaware of the four sets on her as they smiled at the interaction cause they all knew that Autumn was officially home in the arms of Quinn James

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