Quinn James is a Doctor and best friend/Coworker of Melissa McCall and also the god mother of Scott McCall one day Melissa invited her to go to one of Scott's games where she meets the town sheriff. Will the to him it off? Or is it just friendship...
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It's been a couple days since the incident with Peter and both boys haven't let Quinn out of their sight unless they were at school of course. Quinn was currently at the house by herself cooking some food when there was a knock on the door. It kinda startled her cause she wasn't expecting anyone. She went to the door and look through the peep hole when she noticed who it was sighing in relief. Opening the door there stood Noah smiling at his girlfriend. "Hi, I hope you weren't busy. I figured I'd stop by." The women shook her head. "Not at all I was just cooking come on in there's plenty."
Quinn lead him to the kitchen and resumed cooking the food. The couple had both had the day off yesterday so they went and got lunch together and then watched movies until Stiles joined and then the 3 just hung out. "I missed you" Noah stated hugging the women behind. Quinn laughed "You saw me yesterday." Noah chuckled "Maybe but that was over 24 hours ago which is to long." the women just hummed. She wasn't going to lie she enjoyed Noah's presence, it didn't make her feel so alone in a big house by herself. After the food was done Quinn turned it off and turned around in Noah's arms kissing him gently. Noah pulled her closer deepening the kiss before lifting her up and setting her on the counter. The kiss would have continued if someone wouldn't have walked in "Woah!" Stiles wasn't expecting to walk in and find his dad and Quinn in a heated make out session. The couple quickly separated and looked toward the door frame where Stiles was, then looked at the clock seeing it was only 12:30. Quinn since him a pointed look "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Stiles just sighed. "It's free period I was coming to steal food. Yours is better then school food." He then looked at his dad "Aren't you supposed to be at work, not sucking Quinn's faces off." Noah just sent Stiles a look before turning around to fix him a plate of food. Quinn laughed at the interaction. She loved her boys to death and was glad to have them in the same place at the same time which was a rare occurrence, cause she was either at work, Noah was at work or Stiles was out with Scott solving supernatural stuff. "Are you ready for the formal tomorrow?" Quinn asked now fixing her and Stiles a place. The boy just shook his head "No, I don't have a tux or a date. I wanna ask Lydia but I know I'll probably get rejected." Quinn handed the plate to Stiles. "Honey you won't know unless you ask. Now with the Tux part I don't mind helping." Stiles looked at the women shock "Quinnie I couldn't ask you to do that." He couldn't have her buying him a tux for the formal it wouldn't be right, she's already done so much for him that she shouldn't have and has done it all for nothing. "Stiles I insist. I already convinced Scott to let me buy him one." Stiles just sighed knowing she wasn't going to take no for a answer. "Fine but nothing to expensive." He stated pointing a finger at her. The women chuckled. "Fine." Noah just sat there watching with a amusing smile on his face with how the conversation went, he couldn't help but to keep falling with the women
It was now the next day and Quinn and Noah were at the Stilinski house helping Stiles get ready so he could go pick Lydia up. When Stiles went to the mall to keep a eye on her and Allison, Lydia had walked up to Stiles asking him to go to the dance with her. Even though Allison told her to ask him. "Ok I can do this. There is no reason to be nervous except for the fact I'm going with the girl I've had a crush on for so many years." Stiles rambled to himself causing Noah and Quinn to laugh softly. "Stiles you got this there's nothing to be nervous about go have fun with the girl you have a crush on." Noah stated to his son. "Easy for you to say your dating yours!" Stiles exclaimed loudly, causing the older Stilinski to roll his eyes at his son. "Stiles here's what you do. Just go out there and be yourself, you are a amazing person and any girl should be lucky to say they went to a dance with you." Quinn reassured him straighten his tie. "Thanks Quinnie" Stiles stated softly pulling his mother figure into a hug. Pulling away from the boy she looked at the two "Alright you to picture time." She exclaimed.
Both men chuckled at the women. Stiles had already knew that Quinn would have wanted pictures so he called Scott over to see if one, he would want a picture with Quinn and two, to take a picture of him, his dad,and Quinn. If the women was going to be in his life he was going to make sure that he had many memories with her. "Alright let's get this picture so you aren't late." The three moved downstairs so the two men were standing in front of the stairs instead of a cluttered room. "Alright and done now you don't want to be late." Quinn stated before putting her camera away so she could print it for Noah. "Actually Quinn I want one with you and dad." Stiles stated nervously, this shocked her she figured he would have wanted this moment just him and his dad. As soon as Stiles had finished the statement Scott walked into the room. "Go ahead Aunt Quinn. Imma take the picture." Quinn smiled softly at Scott before being pulled in between Noah and Stiles. And then taking one with Scott and then both the boys. "Alright no more pictures you need to go before you late and we've gotta get to work." Noah stated shooing the boys out closing the door behind them. Quinn looked at Noah with a smile. "Did you really just kick them out?" The man just chuckled. Walking to the women pulling her into a kiss and then pulling away. "Ok I can do that."Quinn stated pulling Noah into a heated kiss and taking things upstairs unaware that a lot of things were going to happen tonight.
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