Chapter 16

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It's been a couple days since Quinn had woke up and she was officially home under strict orders of now moving or pushing herself

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It's been a couple days since Quinn had woke up and she was officially home under strict orders of now moving or pushing herself. Ever since she got home she has be constantly been waited hand and foot on it was sweet at first but the women was tired of feeling like she was being babied. Quinn was a women to liked to do stuff on her own she had alway been they type of person that was independent she didn't need or want help. She knew they were just trying to help but she couldn't help it. It's how she's been since she was 16 after her parents kicked her out telling her she was old enough to take care of herself without them.

"Stiles honey I've got it." The women stated softly trying not to snap at the boy. Stiles backed up letting her do what she needed he knew his mother figure was feeling suffocated by everyone so he tried to give her space when needed. After fighting with the blanket with only one hand due to a cast being on her right she women gave up and threw the blanket being frustrated with tears in her eyes. She felt helpless, useless, and a burden to everyone around. Stiles noticed this he rushed over and sat on the left side of Quinn gently pulling her into a hug. "Hey mom it's ok." Stiles stated softly. The women huffed looking at the boy. "It's not ok Stiles! None of this is okay!" The women snapped immediately feeling guilty after she realized what she did. "Stiles I—" Quinn started only to be shushed by the teen and pulled closer to him. "It's ok, I know this is frustrating." Stiles wasn't hurt by being snapped at if anything he was expecting it. "You have every right to be upset." He assured her knowing he didn't take it personal.

The women sighed knowing the tears were coming. "I feel like a burden on you, your dad, and Scott. You guys are having to take care of me, go to work, go to school, and take care of Autumn. It's not fair you guys deserve a life." Quinn ranted as tears fell. Stiles moved crouching down in front of Quinn. "Mom, you are not a burden we do it because we love you and we don't mind taking care of Autumn, we love that babygirl to death and I rather sit here and make sure you have everything you need so you can get better then to be out there wondering every minute if your ok." Stiles reassured wiping the tears from his mother figures face. Then pulling her close kissing her forehead. The buzz cut haired boy didn't mind being stuck inside. Because for a moment while Quinn was in the hospital he thought he was actually going to lose another mother and he didn't know if he could handle that. Stiles stood up and grabbed the blanket and covered his mom up. "Since Dad is having a father-daughters day with Autumn, How about we have a mother-son day and watch movies?" Stiles asked wanting to get Quinn's mind off things. She nodded agreeing knowing what movies he wanted to watch. "Let me guess Star Wars?" She questioned with a knowing look. Stiles just smiled at her, "Alright put it on." She stated causing Stiles to rush putting it in before going and sitting beside her cuddling into her side being gentle so he didn't hurt her. Stiles love being with her cause he could just be his teenage self without worry about the supernatural going on. When he was around her he felt safe and protected like nothing could hurt him. The two sat watching the movies only making it to the third one when they both passed out. That's how Noah and Autumn found the two when they walked in later that day.

 That's how Noah and Autumn found the two when they walked in later that day

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Never To Old~N. Stilinski Where stories live. Discover now