Chapter 23

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It's been a couple days since the accident at the station

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It's been a couple days since the accident at the station. Everything had gone back to normal shockingly but everyone was still on edge. "Hey mom, you're still coming to our game tonight right?" Stiles asked as him and Issac walked into the kitchen. Quinn nodded before looking over at her middle son suspiciously wondering why he was nervous. "Autumn your dad and I will be there." She reassured still looking at Isaac. Stiles had noticed that his now brother had been acting strangely since after he came back from the abandoned station and shockingly he was actually concerned but didn't want to address it. "Ok, well imma go get ready for school." Stiles was quick to rush out the kitchen but paused at the hallway to listen in like does with any conversation. "Stiles! Go get dress now!" Quinn yelled causing stiles eyes to widen in shock before he quickly rushed to his room wondering how she always knows when he's listening in.

"Alright you, it's just us spill." She order crossing her arms and giving her son the mom look. Issac gulped before opening and closing his mouth unaware of how to address it. The boy sighed as his sat down at the bar paying with his hands. "When I went to hang out at with Erica and Boyd they brought something to my attention." Issac explains slowly looking up for the first time seeing the gentle look in his adopted moms eyes. "They found another pack and well, They want me to go with them." He continued looking back at his hands not wanting to see the look on his mom's face. "I mean I haven't decided because I like it here but, I feel like I've pushed my way in your guys home and I don't want to be an inconvenience for anyone." Issac mumbled. He knew that Noah and Quinn both say him down and told him he was welcome and also officially adopted him but he felt like he didn't fit in here. He was with the Hale pack for heaven sake and he knew Stiles acted like he belonged but he couldn't help the unwelcome feeling he felt. "Aw Issac, This is your home and you are not a burden. We want you here Hell, even Stiles does and that's saying something." Quinn reassured side hugging her son and running her hair through his curls. "I may not be your biological mother but you still my son. So if you run away I have every right to ground you." She states Half joking half serious causing Issac to nod. "Yes ma'am, I better get ready before Stiles decides to leave me behind." Issac exclaims kissing the top of her head before rushing to his room to get ready causing Quinn to chuckle.

It was now night time and time for the boys game. Stiles and Scott were sitting on the bench but Quinn has yet been able to catch sight of her other son. "Autumn stay with your Aunt Mel ok? Your dad should be back in a minute." Quinn ordered causing the 5 year old to nod before Quinn walked down to the bench where her son and god son was. "Mieczyslaw Stilinski" Quinn stated sternly causing both boys to look at her shocked. One shocked because she knew his full name and pronounced it right and the other because of the tone in her voice. "Y-Yes Ma'am" Stiles stutter looking at his mother figure terrified for some reason causing Scott to hold back a laugh. "Where is your brother? You both left at the same time this morning." She asks putting her hands on her hip. "Honestly, I don't know I have seen him since this morning." Stiles stated in concern. Quinn sighed scared that he might have actually left with the other two wolves. "Alright, if you see him let me know." She states sadly going back to her seat.

Quinn kept an eye out for her middle son knowing is he did show up he was getting a very stern talking to for making her worried. She was watching the game when suddenly she see her youngest son sit on the bench right beside Scott making sure she gave him a heated look when he turned to look for her in the stands causing him to gulp knowing he was in trouble. The blonde watched as he was put in the game only for him to constantly knock down his own team mates. She knew it was probably most likely part of a plan Scott had but, what concerned her was when Issac and Jackson collided and Issac wasn't moving. Making sure Noah had their daughter she was quick to rush down the stairs to Issac. "What happened?" She asked concerned trying to keep the panic at bay. "I'm fine mom he just nicked me with his tail, Go back to dad and Autumn." He reassured her causing her to hesitate but nod knowing his healing will kick in.

As she started walking back to the stairs to go back where her family was, she was grabbed and pulled to the locker room. The women struggled to get out the grip but the Hunter just tightened his grip. Luckily, Scott had witnessed it and was quick to follow behind them and knock the guy out. Quinn watched as Scott put his finger against his lip before quickly rushing to the locker room where two hunters were about to hurt Issac. Sadly Gerald was able to slip out of he could get his other plan to go full proof. Once they realized he was gone they were quick to rush outside and heard the buzzard go of. Quinn and Issac were able to get a glimpse of Stiles celebrating his victory before the lights went out causing Quinn to quickly grab a hold of both Scott and Issac's hands making sure they stayed close. They heard the yelling of Noah and Melissa call their names thankfully the lights come on soon after.

Once in her sight autumn was quick to rush to her mom and brother holding onto them tightly "Are you guys ok?" Quinn asked checking over everyone receiving nods. The woman was quick to scan the area searching for her oldest son only to become panicked when she didn't see him. "Yeah, I'm fine, but somebody is hurt. Somebody is down on the field." Hearing this Quinn felt her heart drop before rushing out on the field with the rest of them. Quinn knew it was bad but felt a bit of relief when she knew it wasn't Stiles instead it was Jackson. It still didn't calm the panic running through her nerves. She continued to scan the area blocking out the conversations around her. "Noah, Stiles isn't here." She whispered in fear causing the man to start panicking. "Stiles. Where's Stiles? Where - where's my son? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?" Noah screamed out gaining the attention of Issac Melissa Autumn and Scott who were alerted in a panic.

 Where's Stiles? Where - where's my son? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?" Noah screamed out gaining the attention of Issac Melissa Autumn and Scott who were alerted in a panic

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