Chapter 9

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After being forced to take 2 days off by her boss, Melissa, and Noah

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After being forced to take 2 days off by her boss, Melissa, and Noah. Quinn was back at work. With Lydia, the girl was finally doing better and was up moving around. Stiles hasn't left the hospital that much worried about the strawberry blonde. Noah and Quinn have yet to let the boy know of there plans with the little girl who was shot, but everything was looking good for them on adopting her and the couple couldn't wait to add her to their family.

Quinn and Melissa had just walked out of Lydia's room when they noticed Stiles sleeping with a balloon tied around his wrist causing both women to chuckled softly. Soon Mr. Martin had joined the women looking at Stiles. "He's been here all night?" He asked looking over at the women causing them to shaking their heads. "He's been here all weekend. Melissa corrected causing Quinn to nod. "He cares about her." Quinn stated. "You're dirty..." Stiles muttered casual Melissa and Quinn to look at him weird.

After that statement Stiles woke up looking around. Quinn chuckled walking away from the two adults to sit by Stiles. "Hi honey? Did you have a night nap." Quinn smirked. Stiles just looked away with red cheeks. Quinn smiled softly putting her hand on Stiles head turning it to where he was facing her. "Why don't you go get you something from the vending machine and in about 30 minutes we'll go down to the cafeteria and get breakfast." Stiles nodded standing up kissing her forehead and heading to the vending machines. Quinn sighed heading back to the nurses station. She looked up to see Melissa smiling at her. Melissa had watched the interaction between Stiles and Quinn and thought it was adorable she was happy that he best friend was happy. "Have Noah and You told him about Autumn yet?" Quinn shook her head. "No, Noah is supposed to be coming by in 30 minutes to have breakfast with me so I figured we'd tell Stiles then. I'm just scared on how he's going to act about it. I don't want him to think I'm trying to replace him or anything." Quinn rambled causing Melissa to wrapper her arm around Quinn soothing her. "That boy could never hate you. I mean maybe he will act badly at first but once he gets to know that little girl he'll love her to death." Melissa reassured.

The moment was ruined when they hear a loud scream coming from Lydia's room, causing both women to rush through. "Lydia!" Quinn yelled rushing in only to come the room to find her no where in sight. Stiles rushed in looked around before rushing to the bathroom only to find the shower running but the window open. "Mel call the Sheriff!" Quinn instructed causing Melissa to rush out.
Noah had now arrived and was taking notes "You said she was Naked? As in nude?" Noah asked looking at the two women. "Noah I'm pretty sure they mean the same thing." Quinn stated "Plus as far as we know, she did in fact leave here clothing optional." Melissa added. Noah sighed "All right, you already checked the whole hospital right? Melissa nodded. "Every corner." Noah thought this was going to be a morning where he got to enjoy breakfast with His girlfriend and possibly his son only for a teenager to decide she wanted to go on a walk. "Nothing suspicious?" The curly dark haired women shook her head. "Nothing. She just took off."

Before Noah could get another word out the intercom went off "Dr.James to room 311 Immediately!" Quinn looked between the two with a panicked look in her eyes before rushing off, leaving two worried adults and a confused Stiles behind.
"What's going on?" She asked as she rushed in the room only to see the little girl awake. "You told us to let you know immediately when she was awake." The nurse explained when she saw the panicked look in the doctor's eyes. "Thank you." She stated looking at the nurse before gently walking over to the girl as the nurses walked out. "Hi sweetie I'm Dr. James. I've been the one taking care of you while you been here." Quinn explained gently. She didn't want to rush the approach on the little girl. The little girl just looked at the blonde in front of her, Trying to see if she meant any harm. The little girl couldn't explain it but when she looked at the woman she felt safe. "Hi Dr.James." Autumn spoke softly. "Do you mind if I sit?" Quinn asked causing Autumn to shake her head moving her feet so Quinn could sit. Quinn sat down. "How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" The brown hair girl just shook head. Quinn couldn't blame the little one for being shy she's been through a lot her whole life. Quinn is supposed to talk to the caseworker to sign the rest of the paperwork and make the adoption official. "So I wanted to talk to you about something." Quinn stated. "When you get out of the hospital you'll be coming home with me. I promise you will be safe and no one will hurt you and you'll have plenty of people to protect you and love you." Quinn explained causing the little girl to look at her with happy tears in her eyes. She's never had anyone promise her that. It's always been do this do that. The little girl nodded letting the women gently pull her into a hug.

After 9 days of searching they finally found Lydia, Now Quinn Noah and Stiles sat in a restaurant talking. Noah decided to be the one to start the conversation. "Stiles, Quinn and I wanted to talk to you." The boy looked up from the menu at his father and mother figure. "What's up?" He asked. "You know how I told you I had a gun shot victim come in." Stiles nodded. "Well it turned out to be a young foster girl. Her parents had killed them selves and shot her to. We were lucky it wasn't nothing fatal and I talked to her caseworker." Quinn sighed she was starting to get nervous and scared she didn't know how he was going to act. "I was talking to your dad about his opinion on the matter and well I decided I was going to adopt her." Stiles looked at Quinn shocked. He wasn't expecting that he knew Quinn would be a good mom someday and any child would be happy to have her as there mom. Stiles smiled "That's amazing! Your going to be a awesome mom." He said standing up and pulling his mother figure in a hug before sitting back down. "There's more and this was talked about between the two of us. I decided to sign the papers that way this little girl has a father figure." Noah explained making Stiles look at his dad shock. "Wait so that technically means I'm going to be a big brother?" Stiles asked causing the adults to nodded. "Awesome!" Stiles exclaimed. He always wondered what it was like to have a sibling and now he was going to find out. Stiles scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I actually have a question for you dad." Stiles stated. Noah nodded motioning for stiles to continue. "Is it ok if I start calling Quinn mom. The past couple months we've known her she's been a mother figure to me, but I wanted to ask cause I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable." Stiles rambled shocking Noah. "That's up to her. I'm fine with it if she is." Stiles smiled knowing that him and Quinn already had the conversation.

The 3 continued spending time together leading to Quinn staying the night at the Stilinski house on the couch in between her two boys. Unaware of what's to come in the next few days.

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