Chapter 26

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Quinn was now 4 months pregnant and was so excited

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Quinn was now 4 months pregnant and was so excited. She now had a small bump that was slightly noticeable. Everyone has been super supportive and helpful making sure the woman had everything she needed. She couldn't wait to experience everything sadly she was still on the morning sickness stage but Noah was always there by her side pulling her hair out her face and rubbing her back.

It was now late at night and all her kids were at home expect one. Issac had been helping Derek look for Erica and Boyd during the summer and usually he would be home by now. He wasn't answering any calls or text from his mother making her insanely worried. "Anything from him?" Noah asked as he walked into the living room after grabbing her some chips crushed into ice cream something she was constantly craving. "Oh yeah, he said he was going to stay the night with Der." She lied knowing she couldn't tell the actual true. Noah Nodded before kissing her on the lips gently before heading to bed since he had work in the morning.

After everything had settled down Quinn knew it was time to tell her Fiancé the truth behind her crazy family and thankfully the man didn't have any problems with it. He learned to get along with the men in his girls life and would continue to as long as she was happy. Shockingly The man and Derek actually got along both of them having conversations over every single thing they had in common which was amusing for Quinn because it was like watching two girls gossiping back and forth. Heck they were worst then Melissa and her self. After Noah let the room Quinn quickly stood up and went to her oldest sons room knowing he was still up and more then likely knew where his brother was. Quinn quickly opened Stiles door causing the boy to jump up out of his seat at his computer startled. "Mom, What's wrong?" Stiles rushed out seeing the worried look in her eye. "Have you heard from you brother? She ask crossing her arms over her chest. Stiles looked at his mom confused he thought Issac was home. "No, I think he was in his room." He replied causing his mom to stress out more. "Alright mom no, No stressing its back to the baby. I'm pretty sure he's fine. They probably found a lead and are just running late and his phone died. He's with Derek remember the man isn't going to let anything to happen." Stiles stated trying to reassure his mom as he walked over pulling her into a hug. "Go get some sleep I'll let you know when he gets in." Stiles whispered kissing the top of her head. Quinn nodded against the boys chest before pulling away "Ok, goodnight. Love you." She whispered before going and laying down beside Noah and falling asleep knowing Issac will be getting an ear full.

Issac never showed up last night which increased Quinn's worries tremendously. Sadly, the women didn't have time to dwell on it as she had to get to work. The woman was walking down the Hallway of the hospital when she was paged to the emergency room. Not thinking anything of it Quinn walked the way pausing when Melissa rushed to her. "It's Issac." She rushed out causing Quinn to rush to the room he was in. "Dr. Hale you can't be in here." Another doctor exclaimed knowing the boy was her adopted son. When Quinn discovered the truth she told her boss she wanted to go by her original last name causing the boss to quickly make the changes. "Try to stop me." She said through gritted teeth her mama bear as the boys liked to call it come out. The doctor gulped before nodding knowing he couldn't refuse the mother especially with her pregnancy hormones.

After getting Issac setting they told Quinn she could take the rest of the day off which the women didn't refuse one bit. She now sat in the chair beside her son's bed waiting on him to wake up. She was reading a book on her phone when she heard movement from the bed causing her to look up quickly seeing her son stir. Gently she moved to sit on his bed and gently grabbed his hand. "Izzy." She whispered watching as his eyes slowing opened taking in his surroundings. "Hey your ok, you're in the hospital which isn't really a good thing with you healing." She continued keeping an eye on him. "Sorry I was late." He stated gently causing Quinn the chuckle. "You think you're funny mister, but you have some serious explaining when Scott gets here." She sternly stated causing Isaac to look at her confused. "Scott's coming?" He asked confused on why the boy was coming. Quinn nodded. "Yeah he's going to help me get you out of here since I can't exactly have much weight on me." Issac nodded understanding now.

While waiting on Scott to get here so get Issac out a person in a nurse uniform walked in causing Quinn to look at the women suspiciously. She's never seen this woman here before and she knows everyone in this hospital. "I'm excuse me, who are you? Because I know for a fact you don't work here." She says sternly watching the women carefully. "Ok, you caught me I don't." Kali exclaimed in fake guilt before slamming Quinn knocking her unconscious not caring she was pregnant. Issac watched as his mom collapsed on the floor as anger built up. He quickly rush to fight to alpha but she quickly got the upper hand and injected a sedative into his system knocking him unconscious.

Scott watched as a man wheeled Issac into an elevator watching as the man flashed his eyes. Scott quickly rushed forward making it into the elevator within a split second before the doors closed. The two started fighting until Ennis got the upper hand. "Don't you realize what you're dealing with? Ennis exclaimed standing over Scott "I'm an Alpha." He added unaware of the Hale Alpha. "So am I." Derek growls throwing the alpha out. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?" He asked the teen as he crouched down seeing his nephew going in and out of consciousness. "Yeah, Mom called me and told me Issac wa-." Scott tried to explain but was cut off by Issac. "M-Mom." Issac exclaimed half asleep causing both to look at the boy." What about Goldie?" Derek asked his Beta gently but also Sternly. "Knocked unconscious... Room." He muttered as he slowly went back to unconscious causing both Derek and Scott to share a look of concern. "Get him to my car." Derek ordered before rushing to the closes stairs.

The Hale quickly made to the floor Issac was on follow the scent until he got to the room he was in. Derek quickly opened to door and rushed to his big sister who was still out on the floor. "Goldie!" Derek exclaimed in worry listening closely to for both hers and the baby's heartbeat sighing in relief when he heard it. "I need help in here!" He yelled gaining the attention of Melissa who quickly rushed in. "Oh my god." She mustered before turning back to the hallway. "I need a gurney and the OBGYN stat." She yelled before rushing in. "Heatbeats?" She quickly asked causing Derek to nod causing her to sigh in relief. "I've gotta get back to Issac he's in safe hands. Do you need me to send Scott back in?" He asked the curly haired woman who just shook her head no. "Just let him know I'll keep him and Issac updated." She stated causing Derek to nod and stand up before heading out to deal with his nephew and Scott knowing Stiles will most likely be there to. As the man walked to his car he couldn't help but worry about his sister but knew he had to make sure Issac was okay so Quinn wouldn't stress.

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