Issue #3: New and Familiar Faces!

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Sonic and Gotuce head made it to another town from Knuckles directions only to find a giant Bug bot above the town.

Sonic: Whoever is organizing Eggman's robots is really stepping up their game.

Gotuce: Yeah! Seems as if in each town the enemies just keep getting bigger and bigger.

Sonic: Hope we're not too late!

They boost inside as they see badniks at the main gate to which Gotuce takes care off with a quick punch or kick.

As they run into a corner they hear someone fighting.

Sonic:....... Somebody's here?

Gotuce: Seems so!

A female lemur is fighting the robots with what appears to be her tail.

A female lemur is fighting the robots with what appears to be her tail

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Female Lemur: Ha!

She punches a badniks and maneuvers around the remaining as her Tails entangles them to which she pulls and they explode but not before singeing her tail.

Female Lemur: Woo! And ow. Woo and Ow!

But she didn't account for a badniks to try and shoot from behind.

Gotuce: Watch your back!

Gotuce kick the badnik destroying it.

Female Lemur: Whoops! Thanks! Welcome to my hometown! Sorry for the mess. We've got a bit of a robot problem.

Sonic: Problem? What problem?

Female Lemur: Ha! You're sweet bot to notice. Nice one! You're a natural. Do this a lot?

The lemur says this as Sonic destroys a badnik.

Sonic: You could say that. Sonic the Hedgehog.

Tangle: Oh, Sweet! Always wanted to meet you. Tangle the Lemur.

Sonic: Charmed.

Tangle: Likewise. I've been fending off the odd raids for a while now, but this is nuts.

Sonic: Yeah. The random gangs are starting to get organized. Dunno why. I'm looking into it.

Just then a giant Moto bug came in with other badniks which then proceeded to shoot at Sonic and Tangle.

Tangle: I don't suppose you're the advance guard for the resistance?

Sonic: Pretty sure they're all busy with similar attacks elsewhere.

Tangle: Lovely, So......split them 50/50

Sonic: If you can keep up, sure.

Then one of the motor bugs was pushed back by an immense force to which happens to be Gotuce.

Gotuce: TORYAH!!!!!!!

He then proceeded to boost into Super Saiyan 2 as the bot was sent flying before a pillar of flame manifested out of nowhere and once it disappeared, all was left was a purple cat.

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