Tangle & Whisper Issue #1: Imposter!

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After the events of Neo Metal Sonic and everyone saying their goodbyes, Gotuce is seen flying towards Spiral Hill Village to visit Tangle.

Tangle: C'mon everyone! It's a gorgeous day! Race ya around the village! Anyone! Everyone!

Gotuce: Hey Tangle!

Tangle looks at Gotuce descending.

Tangle: Gotuce! It's so good to see you!

Tangle whips her tail around Gotuce and brings him in for a hug.

Gotuce: Heh. Yep.

Tangle lets go.

Tangle: What brings you to Spiral Hill Village?

Gotuce: Oh I just decided to come visit the town that was in previous shamble. No one got hurt when I blasted the giant badnik out of the sky?

Tangle: Oh no one did but it was awesome!

Gotuce: That's good to know.

Jewel: Tangle!

Tangle: Hey-Hey Jewel! About time you got out of that stuffy ol museum!

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Tangle: Hey-Hey Jewel! About time you got out of that stuffy ol museum!

Jewel: Because you nearly knocked over my sign off the door, and your going to run into somebody.

Tangle: Pssht! I've been flinging myself around these streets since we were little! I know every rooftop, alley, and street corner like the back of my hand-

With that, Tangle accidentally flings herself to a chilidog stand and dents it.

Gotuce: Tangle, are you okay!

Tangle: Yeah, I'm dandy.
In Jewel Mineral Museum

Gotuce is seen eating an absurd amount of food while Tangle and Jewel watch in shock.

Gotuce is seen eating an absurd amount of food while Tangle and Jewel watch in shock

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Gotuce stops and looks at them.

Gotuce: What?

Tangle: What do you mean what! Look at how much your eating!

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