Xenoverse 2 Mini Issue: Mysterious Call Received!

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Gotuce is walking around Resistance HQ, seeing everyone occupied with something until he bumps into Lanolin making her catter the paperwork she was holding.

Lanolin: Oof! Oh No!

Lanolin quickly gets all the papers except the one in front of her but when she goes to grab it, another hand is on top of hers.

Lanolin: O-Oh! I'm S-Sorry Sir-

Lanolin sees who it is and standing there is Gotuce giving her a smile.

Gotuce: It's alright, Lanolin!

Lanolin gasps as her legs begin to feel like jelly and almost falls but Gotuce catches her.

Gotuce: Woah, are you okay?

Lanolin: Y-Yeah.

Gotuce give her the last paper.

Lanolin: May I ask what you are doing here?

Gotuce: Oh! Right, I need to speak with Amy.

Lanolin: Oh.

Lanolin gives a slight sad look.

Gotuce: But I might need someone to guide me around.~

Lanolin eyes light up.

Lanolin: I can h-help!

Gotuce: Well, lead the way!

Lanolin: Y-Yeah hone-I mean sir!

Lanolin almost slips in "honey" but Gotuce chuckles before Lanolin guides him around the areas of Resistance HQ and leading to the Communication Center, where Amy is giving orders.

Amy sees Lanolin enter.

Amy: Lanolin, Why are you entering the Communication Center?

Lanolin: Ms. Rose, it Because I was guiding Gotuce here.

Amy: Gotuce is here.

Gotuce enters, while everyone in room ato see the one who stopped Neo Metal Sonic.

Gotuce: Yo Amy!

Amy: This is a surprise? Why are you here, Gotuce.

Gotuce: Well with my mission that I had with Tangle and Whisper is over, I just decided to come visit HQ and help with whatever I can!

Amy: That's very generous of you but we really don't really need any help.

Gotuce: Are you sure? I could have my scouter hooked up to the Communication Hub which might help find Eggman faster.

Amy: Hmmm. Alright, do what you need to do.

Gotuce: Alright!

Gotuce goes up to the Hub and takes out his Scouter before making some modifications to connect it to the Central Mainframe.

Once that is done, Gotuce gets into the same space that Amy and Lanolin are but Lanolin moves a bit closer to the point where her shoulder is touching Gotuce's.

The screen boots back up again but instead of showing the Resistance HQ logo, it instead show the Time Patrol Logo instead.

The screen boots back up again but instead of showing the Resistance HQ logo, it instead show the Time Patrol Logo instead

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