Issue #10: Snowy Portals!

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A few days have passed since Gotuce received the message from the Time Nest and had been receiving help from his team every now and then but Sonic and Silver were tipped about a hidden Eggman base up in Frozen Peak.

Sonic and Silver are having a hard time walking through the snow just from the cold.

Sonic: You're sure this is the way?

Silver: This is where the guy told me to go. Brrr! It's really cold!

Sonic: No kidding! Really wish we packed some warm clothing!

Then suddenly, long coats were magically on their bodies.

Then suddenly, long coats were magically on their bodies

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Silver: Huh!

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Silver: Huh!

Sonic: What the!

Gotuce lands behind them in Super Saiyan God.

Gotuce: I had a feeling you guys needed help. And by the look it you did, severely.

Silver: Ah! That's so much better!

Sonic: Thanks Gotuce! Where did you get these coats?

Gotuce: Dad and Vegeta had them when they fought against Broly.

Sonic: Let me guess, he's another big bad from your world.

Gotuce: Not exactly. He's actually gentle but was forced to fight by his father.

Silver: Oh No! That's terrible! But this does feel sketchy. Random guy appears. Tells me about an Eggman base then vanishes. But......

Sonic: Nah. It's cool. It does match up with what Tails experienced the other day. And right now we need any lead we can.

Gotuce: So that's your plan, Huh? Just wander into this direction until you hit it?

Sonic: Yep.

Gotuce: You do know I can just use Instant Transmission?

Sonic and Silver ignore what Gotuce said and had found the base but stayed hidden for any surprises to come.

Sonic: 'You look up ahead!'

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