Tangle & Whisper Issue #4: Executing the Plan

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After Gotuce told them his backstory and Tangle and Whisper gave him comfort it was Whisper's turn to explain her backstory which after she finished, Tangle had tears while Gotuce was very angry to the point of his energy leaking out and the area shaking.

Everyone was stationed at a former Diamond Cutter base at Clove Sea.

Tangle was standing on some rebar while Whisper was sitting closely on the roof but Gotuce was hovering in between them.

Tangle: Woah-Ho-Ho-Nelly! I think you really ticked off Mimic this time! Eggman too!

Whisper: 'Defied him. Embarrassed him. So.....Yes.'

Gotuce: This isn't enough........

Gotuce looks ahead at the incoming badniks with a serious glare and the badniks are a bit terrified from the power Gotuce is emitting alone.

Tangle: Still.....All this fuss over just the three of us? Hardly seems fair for them.

There appears to be an army of big bots in the air.

There appears to be an army of big bots in the air

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Tangle: Seriously. Though-Just one of those big bots wrecked my hometown. How are we supposed to deal with all of them?

Whisper: 'Like This.'

But before Whisper could fire, they see a blue light behind them.

Gotuce is charging some sort of attack through the center of his two palms together.


With that, the blast is fired and desimate portion of the army in one fell swoop

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With that, the blast is fired and desimate portion of the army in one fell swoop.

Whisper is in shock but Tangle doesn't see it behind her mask and just cheers.

Tangle: Whoo-Hoo! What a shot!

Tangle calms down and lands next to Whisper.

Tangle: What were the odds that Mimic was in one of those?

Whisper: 'None. There decoys. He'll be harding into the base now.'

Tangle: Then that's my cue........Unless you want to change the plan. I'm happy to fight the remaining horde of robots side by side with you and Gotuce.

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