Issue #4: Meeting a Tinker!

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After the events that happened at Tangles town, Sonic got a call from Espio about the whereabouts of Eggman and had asked for Gotuce to come along as extra muscle.

On a highway of spirals and tunes, many badniks are after Sonic and Espio while avoiding the attacks.

On a highway of spirals and tunes, many badniks are after Sonic and Espio while avoiding the attacks

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Espio: They seem to be everywhere!

Sonic: No kidding!

Gotuce: This seems to be more than I can handle but here goes!

Gotuce blasts every badnik in the area with multiple ki blasts

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Gotuce blasts every badnik in the area with multiple ki blasts.

Once the air is clear, Gotuce floats down while panting

Gotuce: Phew, I think that's all of them.

Espio: Seems to be that way. Thank you.

Gotuce: It's alright!

Espio, Gotuce and Sonic then find a
lift to the town and enter it.

Once the lift is up and moving, Espio confronts Sonic about Gotuce.

Espio: Sonic, if I may ask, where did you find someone like Gotuce?

Sonic: Oh well, I was rushing to a town under seige from a badnik attack and on my way, I found him standing confused by a lake.

Espio: Really? Don't you think you could be working with the badniks?

Sonic: That couldn't be possible because he helped me clear out the robots.

Espio: Hmm, it still seems that we need to keep an eye on him in case if he is working with someone.

Sonic: Hmm, Alright.

The lift stops at a town and Sonic runs up ahead until a bee with mobian kids runs up to him.

The lift stops at a town and Sonic runs up ahead until a bee with mobian kids runs up to him

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Charmy: Sonic! You made it!

Sonic: Hey little buddy. Is everything okay?

Charmy: Oh yeah! This place is great! There's lots of kids my age! And tons of mountain flowers! With the best honey tarts EVER!

Sonic: That's cool, but what about the "big guy"?

Gotuce walks up.

Gotuce: The "big guy"? What's this about a big guy?

Charmy: Wow! Who are you mister?

Gotuce: Oh My name is Son Gotuce.

Charmy: Well it's nice to meet ya Mr. Gotuce! But you both haven't meet him yet!

Charmy goes to a door.

Charmy: C'mon! C'mon!

A large egg shaped man is dragged.

A large egg shaped man is dragged

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Mr. Tinker: All right! No need to get all excited!

Mr. Tinker: How do you two do! They call me "Mr. Tinker".

Sonic sees his hand out and he looks at it and back to Mr. Tinkers face.

Sonic: Do you really think of buy it Doc?

Gotuce: Doc? What are you talking about Sonic?

Mr. Tinker: I don't think I've earned a doctorate...

Mr. Tinker: But then again. I don't remember that much. Heh Heh.

Charmy: Except how to build and fix! He's the best!

Sonic: Uh-Hu, so you don't remember fighting over the chaos emeralds?

Mr. Tinker: I'm not familiar with that cut.

Sonic: Lost Hex?

Mr. Tinker: Somebody lost a magic spell?

Sonic: The Ark?

Mr. Tinker: .....has a parabola?

Sonic: The Death Egg?

Mr. Tinker: Are you just throwing random words I don't understand?

WIth this, Sonic, Mr. Tinker and Vector keep talking about the memory loss with the help of the head village chief.

This goes on for a while.

Mr. Tinker: I can't thank you enough for helping these people!

Sonic: Don't sweat it. It's what I do.

Mr. Tinker: I hope you'll coma back to visit! I'd like to show you Eggman Land once it's finished!

With that, Sonic has a look of terror.

Sonic: *Eggman Land?! His terrifying personal theme park?! Did he just slip up with his ruse... Or did he?*

Then a voice snaps Sonic out

Shadow: You'll never menace the world with Eggman Land again

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Shadow: You'll never menace the world with Eggman Land again.

Shadow: I'll destroy you first.

Gotuce walks up.

Gotuce: If you are going to put this innocent man's life in danger, then you'll have to go through me!

Gotuce then gets into a very iconic stance.

Gotuce then gets into a very iconic stance

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