Issue #42: Destroying the City For Good!

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After the tower began to move, everyone was laying on the ground from damage they had taken.

Eggman: Ah, Victory odes taste so good.......

Sonic: You haven't won yet, Eggman!

Eggman: Haven't I? My brilliant creations are more than enough to handle you and Gotuce


Orbit: SHH!

Gotuce and Sonic both charge at Eggman but he snaps his fingers.

Eggman: Face it, you're out of your league.

Tangle sees the metal plates and knows what's going to happen.

Tangle: No......

Sonic and Gotuce were captured in the metal orb.

Amy: Sonic!

Tangle: Gotuce!

Eggman: GYA HA HA HA! Let's see you speed your way out of that one, rodent and cat! And I'm not done yet!

Metal charges forth to Amy and Tails.

Tangle: Stop! I-I won't lose anyone else!

Metal had Amy pinned down to which Tangle went forth and physically grabbed Metal by the arm.

Tangle: I'm.......

She was grabbed by Eggman.

Eggman: You caused a lot of trouble for me today, you know that?

Tangle: O-Oh you think so? Let me down and I'll really show you what I can do!

Tangle forms a fist behind Eggman.

Eggman: Hmm.....keep workshopping those comebacks, lemur.

Eggman points the gun to Tangle's head. Your desperation is showing.

Lanolin: Perhaps.......but it's better than letting you have your way.

Eggman: Eh?! You-Who are you people?!

Lanolin: I believe you met our namesake. The Diamond Cutters. We serve as a small specialized strike team that assess danger and offers aid in extreme conditions. But mostly, we intend.........

Whisper appeared above Eggman with her hammer wispon.

Whisper:......'To be a problem.'

She hit Eggman, sending him toppling Metal in the process.
Meanwhile back in the underground.......

Silver managed to get Shadow out of the crystals.

Shadow: Get away.......

Silver: You're awake!

Shadow: There's so much energy building. It' noise, in my head.......I'm fine, go. Your of no use.

Silver: No use? No USE? I'm not giving up that easily, and neither are you! You're the ultimate life form. Aren't you? Are you going to let an overgrown rock tell you what to do?

Shadow burst the crystals away.

Silver: Well?

Shadow: Gotuce may the strongest......but your right, I am the ultimate.
Back at the tower........

Tails: It looked like the trap partially displaced your bodies, but with the computers systems offline. You all shifted back into normal space!

Tangle was seen hugging Whisper.

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