An Unexpected Turn of Events.

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An: the kitten can't really talk. When she does, in cat language, we hear it as a meow. Btw imagine her voice as cute as possible.

Loki sat in his same boring cell with the plain white walls mocking him. Surely he thought he'd go insane, for walls do not talk.

Closing his book he stood up from his chair, stretching his legs.

Around his cell walls, was a dark path of footsteps. A path he's walked too many times since his punishment- living out the rest of his days here.

"Guards." Loki called with a smirk. He hoped he could spice this morning up. After all, it is a dull life, literally speaking.

None of them turned to give him their attention. Instead they just continued on with their duty.

It unnerved Loki to no end how less and less people began to fear him. Also he began to notice how he was losing his touch. The God of Mischief was nothing but a faded name now.

Loki frowned at this and walked back over to his book, flipping to the next page-pacing back and forth.

He knew all his books from memory, since these are the ones Frigga gave him before she died. Never has he requested new ones.

He will not go begging like some welp to Odin, "I'd rather live amongst the mortals that Thor so adores." He said aloud not realizing it.

Suddenly the door to his cell opened, "come begging for my help now are we?"

Thor walked in with a smirk on his face. "Brother I-"

"I am not your brother!" Loki cut him off short, glaring at the God of Thunder.

Hurt, Thor frowned and looked to the floor. Loki suddenly noticed the box which he carried. "If you think showering me with gifts of pleasure will earn your forgiveness, then you're sorely mistaken."

Thor started to chuckle, placing the box onto his brothers bed, "I find that, you will rather like this one." Thor said while walking back out of the cell, its door shutting behind him.

"Good luck brother." He said and disappeared.

Loki was at a loss. Never has he seen Thor act like this, as if taunting him to open the box. 'I will not.' Loki thought before sitting back down in his chair, continuing his book, though with much displeasure. For his day was now ruined by that big oaf.

Unknown perspective.

'Ah! It's dark. Let me out!' I cried out, bumping into my surroundings. It felt was though I was in a small room, but it was pitch dark. Suddenly light flooded in making me cower back in fear.

"You have got to be joking." My ears twitched as I looked up. In front of me was a very tall animal. He didn't have much fur like I did but what little he did have, was a dark color.

He reached down and grabbed me by my scruff, 'let me go!' I squirmed in protest. He glared me with what looked like disgust.

The creature then went to toss me onto the floor. I landed with soft thud. 'Hey!' I yelled.

Third person perspective

Loki walked back over to the glass, "Guards! Bring me Thor this instant!" He growled. Said guards just looked at him and Loki punched the force field making it shimmer. "I said bring me Thor you pathetic excuse for watch dogs." Getting the hint, one of them left to get the God of Thunder.

Loki turned around but found the silly creature that was in the box, to be missing.

"Meow!" Loki looked down to see it attacking his boot. Loki... for once didn't know what to do. "Foul creature, release me this instant or you shall face my wrath." He growled to the black hair ball biting him ferociously.

"Brother it seems as though you found your present." Thor boomed stalking into the dungeon.

"I can hardly believe that this disgusting creature can be called a present." Loki shook his foot trying to get said thing off him, but with very little success.

Thor started to laugh, walking into his brother cell. He then bent down to retrieve the black kitten. Loki watched him with great annoyance.

"Jane gave it to me. She says, it is called a kitten."

Loki walked over to his chair, fed up with his bro- Thor's games. "I have yet to see why it is in my presence."

"Because it will be in your care from now on." Loki's head turned around quickly. He had to blink a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Are you daft or did all the power go to your head? Why in he All Father's name, would you have me, above all people, care for a insignificant creature?!"

Thor walked over to him placing the kitten on his lap. "Because I still believe that there is goodness in you Loki." He smiled and turned.

Loki grinned menacingly, "and what makes you think I wouldn't kill it?" Thor stopped, '"because if anything is to happen to it, Father will have you sentenced to death by be-headment." Loki's eyes grew wide as he watched Thor leave.

A loud meow pulled him back. He looked down to see the creature trying to get down to the floor. "Oh shut it." He stood up making the kitten fall to the ground.

"I can't believe that my life rest upon a mortals pet." He spat towards his bed, laying down in hopes that this were just a nightmare. This thought however, made him chuckle.

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