Questioning One's Self.

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Sorry guys, This chapter is meh.... kinda boring. BUT, it's important and because it has to be red, I HAVE AN ENTIRE FLUFF CHAPTER NEXT. And it's all being published together so don't freak out.

Adara has slept for many moons. When her giant self spoke to him, she instantly passed out into her kitten form. Loki made sure to clean her and dress her wounds on her small body. Avoiding the giant gashes the best he could. He then sat her on his pillow, watching her intently for Heaven knows how long.

While he waited for her recovery, he couldn't help but ponder about what has occurred during these events.

Yes, he wanted to assassinate Odin, hell he still does- but that urge, no longer gnaws at his mind. Indeed he has met with the assassin woman, orchestrating a plan for her to kill him. Yes, he wanted to take over Asguard and throw Thor into a cell...But now... Now the God of Mischief wasn't so sure if that's what he still wants.

He flipped open a random book, scanning it's contents but he couldn't focus. Everything was running amok, nothing which he planned was going right. His chest seemed to hurt, a dull ache.

Loki glanced over to the sleeping form of Adara. Noting that she was breathing still, he got up and strode to where his bookshelf was. From there, he plucked one in particular, 'The book of Gods and Goddess.' The pages shuffled softly when he turned to the chapter of Freyja.

"Researching about me now?"

Loki turned swiftly, dropping the book when the said Goddess suddenly appeared. She was tall with long flowing chestnut brown hair that looked as though it were alive, like the suns flames. She wore an elegant robe of gold and white that fell to the floor.

Loki finally notice the giant blue-gray cats that stood behind her. They were a little bigger than Adara's other form but not as strong as she was.

"Fear not, they shall not harm her." She smiled his way.

"If you think that I am concerned for her safety, then you are mistaken." Loki brushed past her.

Freyja snapped her finger and in an instant the two cats hissed and launched themselves towards Adara with bared fangs.

In a quick blurr, Loki appeared between them ready to take the blow but the two cats disappeared revealing the Goddess before him.

"Your actions says other wise." Loki glared. "Have you not realized that you cannot use your powers if you mean to harm those around you of if it is for your own selfish reasons? Or perhaps why it is that you was just able to use them?" Freyja walked towards the blocked window, casting an amusing sideways smirk. "Trust your heart Loki, and it will lead you to something greater than even a king could have." And like that, she was gone leaving Loki alone with his thoughts.

Suddenly the God of Mischief's body seemed heavy, like a weight had just pressed down upon him. He sank to the bed, falling back to rest while staring up at the ceiling. "What is wrong with me?" He seethed in his deep voice.

Adara's perspective:

'Loki, is that you?' I opened my eyes, squinting at the sudden brightness. I was on a soft cushion that smelled like him.

"What is wrong with me?"

I turned to see Loki laying on his back covering his face with his paws. My body hurts but he seems like he's upset.

Painfully I stood on shaky legs and walked slowly towards his giant form. "Loki." I meowed awaiting patiently for him to notice me. I've learned from the past not to constantly meow or he'll get angry.

I watched as his arms moved slowly to reveal his face. However he looked kind of funny. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly open. In all, he looked sad, confused and relieved.


I trotted towards his face and placed a paw on his cheek. "Yes."

3rd perspective:

Adara was well and speaking. Loki could hear her small tiny voice in his head. It was small and high pitched like a child's. Loki's hand began to move on its own accord and it found itself petting Adara. Just touching her made him feel more relieved.

"You are a very ignorant creature." He chuckled. Adara tilted her head in confusion but climbed on Loki's chest, burring herself with in the confines of his leather coat. She started to purr loudly and Loki couldn't have been happier at this moment.


Odin sat on a bench in the gardens awaiting for the Goddess Freyja. The King of Asguard's mind was running faster than meteor burning through space.

The only question, what to do with Loki. Should he banish, kill him or in-prison him again. When Thor came to Odin about his proposal, the king actually didn't believe him but now after what happened in the throne room and in the gardens with his wolves, Odin began to rethink everything over.

Perhaps, it is the Midguard beast he should exterminate.

"Odin. You called me?"Freyja appeared. She went to sit beside him after receiving a curt nod. "I know what you're thinking. You fear that the kitten could be used for Loki's escape he's been planning."

Odin sighed, shifting his weight. "Yes, and I have already seen that it was a mistake."

Freyja rolled her eyes catching a glare from him. "Odin, you cannot keep him locked up forever. It will only continue to make his position worse. You have to give him freedom to where he can experience the world with out being judged. After all, it was you who took him from his home, was it not?"

There was a long pause as the two Gods watched the sun set over the horizon of Asguard. "And concerning the kitten. She will not be a threat to anyone unless they seek to do harm to Loki. She is not a killer but she will fight. The power which I cast upon her, is too strong right now. If she continues to use it, it could kill her. However, she can't access that power at will yet. I just hope that Loki wont misuse her."

The sun finally set, allowing the stars and moon to bathe the kingdom in a soft light.

"Yes, I will have a challenge for the both of them, determining their fates soon. But for now, I want you to take the creature from him."

Freyja turned abruptly. "You-"

"I can, and I will." Odin cut her off, standing to leave but Freyja gave her final thoughts."Is this what Frigga would want, to tare apart your son and take away what is his?"

A flash of anger went through Odin as he turned, ready to snap on the woman, but she disappeared along with Odin's morals.

Sorry Odin, you're the bad guy. Freyja the good. Loki..... poor soul, you just can't get a break. Hold Adara close because you never know who's going to swoop in and steal her.

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