Days of Fluff

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Adara's Perspective:

I was standing before a pool of red. It smelled of my master but he was no where to be seen. I bent over the surface, seeing my reflection. Is that me? I was so much bigger, stronger looking.

I don't remember much from this dream, but what I do know, is that I started swimming into the red lake. Evidently I had a destination in mind because I paddled hard. I remember that I never stopped and that the sun never rose. Just this eternity of red. I was slipping further into the water, unable to keep my head above the surface.

Then I heard it. My name.

3rd perspective

Loki was sleeping peacefully until small mewls drew him out of his slumber. Lazily he opened his eyes to be met with darkness. Unable to process anything with sleep pulling at his mind, he slowly drifted off again. Then it happened again. Annoyed, Loki sat up and ran his fingers through his bed head, hoping to get the black stands out of his face.

Looking around the God found his kitten on the floor beside his bed in what seems to be, distress. She kicked and her ears drew back as if she were having a nightmare. Not a fan for losing sleep, Loki got up, pulling the sheets off his body allowing the cold air to nip at his pale skin.

"Adara." His deep British voice echoed through out the silent room. Trying to coax the kitten out of her nightmare, he tried saying her name again and this time it worked. He was awarded with bright blue eyes meeting his own green ones.

Since Adara could now talk, thanks to Freyja (sarcasm), he could understand what exactly was wrong with her.

"What has you making so much noise at this hour of night?" Loki growled, grabbing her and bringing her soft fur to his pale chest, laying back down in his bed.

Adara meowed, "water." Loki rolled his eyes at such an idiotic reason but decided it was to much energy to retort back. Instead, he gave her another pet, rolling over with her in his arms.

"Now go to sleep or I shall give you a bath tomorrow, foul creature." He smiled.


Loki has been forbidden to go outside his chambers. If for some reason he did step out, they would instantly kill him. As for Adara, Loki hadn't allowed her to wander outside his room.

Currently, the kitten was sitting on top his bookshelf cleaning her paw. The God ignored it best he could, but her being up there was driving him mad.

"Adara, get off of there before you fall." Loki said blatantly.


Loki's eyebrows raised forming lines on his forehead."Excuse me? I know you just didn't say no."

Of course Loki has gotten use to Adara's few word sentences, but he still hasn't come to terms with her attitude and sassy-ness. Odin knows what she was saying when Loki couldn't understand her.

Getting up the God strode towards the book shelf, eyeing the black kitten. This made Loki stop. Adara wasn't a real kitten anymore. Yes she was still young but not an adult. On Midguard in human years, she would probably be 10 or 11.

"Loki?" Said person looked up to see bright blue eyes. "You ok?" Loki frowned, "No, because you are not listening." He reached up and grabbed her scruff.

Adara, meowed loudly in protest digging her claws into the shelf. Loki didn't want to pull her too hard but she was being stubborn.

"Nooo!" Adara yelled and as Loki brought her down, so too did the book shelf. Quickly, Loki tried to move, but the shelf was fast, crashing into his body and sending a bunch of books scattering around him. The God grunted when he was pinned down; his back pressed up on the wooden shelf while he was in a push up position. Thankfully Adara wasn't hurt, fore she lay underneath him with concern.

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