Rescue is on the Way

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Loki was sitting in his chambers reading a book about the history of Asguard while Adara played with her toys from Mid Guard. It was certainly troublesome getting them for her. Loki had to endure the humiliation by not only being with his so called brother, but he was in chains while the Avengers watched him as he picked out pink and colorful toys for his kitten.

Yes the God of Mischief was in a pet store holding pink feathers and cat toys while his kitten tried to escape his grasp.

Loki growled in annoyance when a persistent bell continued to ring annoyingly. Slamming his book down on the end table, Loki stood and walked towards the kitten that was playing with a ball. He bent down and took it though Adara wouldn't give it up. She attacked his hand, latching onto the leather and biting into it playfully.

With his other hand, Loki pushed her face away making her let go. "Seems that you aren't that powerful." He smirked walking back to his chair and grabbing a bag of treats. "Adara come." The kitten meowed happily when she smelled the cat nip filled treats.

"Sit." Loki said to the black kitten and she followed the command. She was rewarded for her efforts but looked up with hope filled eyes at his feet. "What?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. Loki leaned forwards with the treat above her head as Adara stood on her hind legs pawing at his hand for the food.

"Very well, you earned it." He gave the treat to her, putting the bag back on the table and walked to his dresser where the necklace he bought in the market was hidden at. Going back to Adara he knelt and placed the jewels around her neck. "Not bad for a beast." Loki chuckled, ruffling her head making her meow.

"Now behave, I'm heading to the gardens and you are to stay put." Loki walked towards the door, clicking it shut and leaving behind a confused kitten.

Adara's perspective:

I looked down at the green sparkly collar. "Awwwwh, it's so pretty." I purred. "I have to show Hunginn." I looked around for a way to escape but I didn't find any. Pouting I cursed how little I was and suddenly I started thinking about Loki and what Freyja said. 'I wonder if Loki's ok?' I thought closing my eyes to rest.

Three hours later:

I awoken to a bang on the door making me jump in fright. 'Loki?' I tilted my head but ruled out the possibility when I didn't smell him. Glancing around the room I didn't see him either but I did see the window. The sun was setting, 'how long was I asleep?!'

The door rattled again, fear rising in me as I took cautious steps back. It burst open revealing, "Hunginn?" I was shocked by his sudden appearance especially in Loki's room. No one ever came in here.

"Quickly, Geri and Freki are going to attack Loki for suspicion of conspiring with outsiders." The black crow flapped wildly. I knew who Geri and Freki were, Sleipnir told me about them once. He said that they were large monstrous wolves that would rip apart anything if their master deemed it necessary.

'Quickly I took off running to where my master said he would be. There's no way he went to see that evil presence. I made sure to bring him home. Freyja even said-' I stopped suddenly and meowed for the goddess.

"Please show yourself, I need you." I cried out and surely enough, there she was.

"What is it small one?"

" Loki is in trouble, can you help him? He's going to be eaten by wolves" I plead as Freyja frowned.

"I am sorry there is nothing I can do. I am forbidden to intervene in others affairs."

"Is there anything I can do to save him. I know I'm small and weak but, Loki is my home and-" I couldn't continue as it was getting harder to speak. 'Is this going to be it, will I never see him again?' I kept thinking the worst possibilities as the world around me was slowly disappearing.

"Adara." Freyja's voice pierced my soul making me look up. "I may not be able to directly help him, but I can give you the ability to do so yourself. I'm warning you young one, things will never be the same again."

I growled in frustration, " I don't care, I just want to help my master. He's given me a home so the least I could do is scare away a bunch of Mangy mutts!" I roared but it came out as a meow.

Freyja smiled warmly, "Very well." she leaned down grabbing me and placed a kiss upon my forehead before sitting me down again.

'I don't feel any different' I thought looking at my self and frowning inwardly, "hey-" Freyja was gone.

I growled as I headed towards the gardens in anger. 'Help me my tail. She didn't do anything. She seems to be the reason Loki's in trouble in the first place. I don't know why I even trusted her. Was it because she was kind or pretty.' I grumbled running faster.

'Because of her, Loki could be dead right now, my only home. I wont be pet, or have treats or I'll never be red to ever again. I wont be able to hear my name be spoken from his raspy voice and its all because of her?'

I didn't know why I was running so fast or why the ground seemed further away from me. I didn't know why I was the same height as the wolves or why I could jump as far as I did.

But what I did know, is that my master was on the ground covered in dirt and that all my anger seemed to burst out in a ferocious roar. And I'm not talking about a meow.

An: *laying on the floor but gets back up* Oh my Bejesus! Adara, you go girl! I would certainly go running to Loki if I had the chance. Speaking of, did any one see the trailer for the new movie Tom Hiddleston is in!? I just want to see it because he's in it. Enough of my rambling. Comment, vote and give me suggestions. :)

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