Surfacing Emotions

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When Loki snaps and shiznit hits the fan, followed by fluffy cuteness. :3 Loki isn't as bad as everyone says he is, especially towards His kitten. PS there's some acknowledgements at the end too. ENJOY!

Loki heard roars and yelps. It sounded unearthly, like a fight between the dead. His vision was blurry and his ears rang. 'What in All Fathers name?' The God thought trying to sit up but his stomach churned.

Through his emerald eyes, what he saw, made the God of Mischief falter.

Odin's giant wolves battled against one sleek black cat. It hissed and roared as it lashed out at the dogs. Twisting its body barely avoiding snapping jaws. The large cat bit down on one wolf's neck, blood ebbing from under the fur.

'This beast reminds me of....Adara.'

Adara's Perspective:

I didn't think. Only fought because my mind willed me to. The smell of my masters blood filled my nostrils heightening my senses.

'What is this? Why am I fighting these giant dogs?'


3rd perspective:

Loki was standing now, gazing at the giant cat who could barely stay upon its feet.

The beast panted heavily, its giant fangs coated in blood and saliva while the fur glistened a black crimson.

The animal looked at Loki, as if it was in pain, frightened.

The God knelt, his eyes never leaving the cat. In the distance, was the heavy drum of foot steps but Loki didn't care. This creature drew his mind in as if he was in a trance.

The cat walked towards Loki and collapsed just a few feet before him. It's giant body hitting the dirt ground with a loud thud.

Guards burst through the gardens, grabbing Loki's hair and forcing his hands behind his back. Binding him in shackles and dragging him to his feet. With spears pointed at his body, Loki didn't even fight against them because the giant cat that was at his feet, suddenly shifted into the kitten which he cared for.


Loki was dragged through the throne room before Odin. How he hatted that man for always looking down at him from upon that accursed chair. It was like he was trash that was found on the bottom of a boot; peeled off and left behind unworthy even for a trash can. (Not the best comparison.)

Many guards accompanied the hall, along with the Warriors Three and Thor accompanied by a stranger. A woman who Loki did not know. However, she was beautiful, almost as much as Frigga.

"Loki Luafyson!"Odin roared. "Did you or did you not conspire with outsiders the past few weeks?"

Loki said nothing, only glared at the king with a sinister gaze.

"Your silence tells all."

At that moment, Odin's wolves came limping beside his feet. They looked worse for ware, their fur was matted and bloodied and their bodies were sluggish.

"How did this happen?"

No one said a thing and this time, Odin stood and yelled his question again sending fear into the room. One of the guards beside Loki, stepped forward, "When we entered the gardens, a giant black beast was seen with the prisoner. My lord. It attacked your wolves, sending them running." At this Loki's heart stopped.

Odin turned to see the small kitten in one of the guards hands. Loki watched as Odin took long strides towards Adara. He snatched her small form up and glared at her scrutinizingly.

Thor, with a heavy heart, watched when Loki's weight shifted forwards, making his chains rattle loudly. This action, seemed to grab Odin's attention.

"I suspect the only reason your'e concerned for this pathetic creature, is because this beast is a weapon, that could be used to set you free or possibly assassinate me."

Loki snapped.

"Shut your fucking mouth you pathetic old man. That creature, that beast, has a name and I expect you to use it. Her name is Adara and she is not pathetic. She has done more than you ever could as a father and as a king." The room held it's breath. "While you sit here on your damn throne like a pathetic coward you are, enemies are sneaking within Asguard and like an old fool, you turn a blind eye towards everything. Maybe if you wasn't so fucking daft and blind from sitting on your damn chair all the time, maybe Frigga wouldn't have died!"

A loud resounding slap echoed within the room.

"Don't you ever speak like that in my presenc-"

A feral growl was emitted and everyone turned to see the giant black cat prowling to stand between her master and Odin.

Loki's rage was popped when Adara stood before him acting like a shield.

"Odin." Freyja walked towards the group and towards the giant cat with a soft smile.

"I believe that this is enough for today. I don't entirely believe that Loki has done the accusations with others claim he has done and I don't know how much more the kitten can take in that form." She looked to the feline who seemed unconscious.

"So it was you who intervene in this. I will speak with you later about this." Odin seemed to calm down in her presence. "Take them to their chambers." He waved an walked out of the room with a few guards tailing him.

Freyja turned to the shunned God with a small smile and knelt beside him where they were eye to eye. "Loki, if I am right, then you already know that this creature is really Adara."

Loki glared, "It's kind of hard not to notice." The Goddess laughed quietly.

"You act cold and evil to though's around you, but from what Adara tells me, you are actually the opposite. She says that you are kind and caring towards her."

"She speaks to you?" Loki's expression was on of bewilderment. This woman was like Adara, dragging him out of his 'supposed' shell. It was nerve wracking to him.

"Yes, actually she did." Loki turned to the still motionless cat standing guard before him. "When she heard that you were in trouble, she came begging to me for help. And that's when I gave her the power to become what you see now.

Her love and trust in you is what drove her to fight for you."

Freyja bent forwards and kissed Loki's forehead. Unexpectedly, the God fell backwards in anger, "You dare touch me and in such an inappropriate manner-"

"Silence child, I simply bared you gift. Maybe now, your'll understand Adara, a little better."

And like that, the Goddess was gone.


Loki was escorted back to his chambers rather roughly. His door and windows were blocked and guarded heavily. Adara, had to be prodded with spears in order for her to move, and of course, Loki wasn't fond with it one bit.

Now she was standing in the middle of his chambers staring at a wall. "Adara." Loki whispered kneeling before her large form.

His hands slowly met her giant muzzle and caressed her head. He was careful, so not to touch her wounds. Her eyes suddenly seemed to clear, finally noticing that her master was right in front of her.

"L-Loki...... It... hurts."

The Gods eyes widened at the voice that resonated in his head. It, was Adara's.

RIGHT!!!!!?!? Now, I don't know if I want it to always be her talking to him, or if it's limited. Like on a New Moon she can only talk to him or if she's in her panther form. I don't know, so I'll let you guys decide. :) Let me know.

PS: Thank you, to Bloodvalkyire, PINKDREAM634, Allyssawhyte, HalleyWilson5, Shadow-Ice, HelaHolmes, Lilafromseven-a, Queenofmystery480, Foxishwolf and bvbfansunite for your support. :)

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