Slipping through your Fingers

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I just wanted to say thank you for sticking with this story. It actually my first fan fiction (that's successful) and I couldn't have done it without you guys.

*Brings out the tissues*  If anyone's got a name for the old lady. Let me know :)

Something startled Adara awake, making the kitten glance up into the night sky. It was like something swelled within her as if a telling her that something was happening. But as she looked around, she found that nothing was out of the normal.

Getting up she trudged through the house, her paws padding softly on the wooden floor. The old lady that adopted her slept in her chambers.

Adara found out that the lady had a male in her life, but he died a long time ago. Now she was all alone until the cat came to be in her daily life now.

Adara couldn't ask for a better human. She was kind and nice to her. Always giving her warm milk and brushing her coat. The lady, who Adara found her name to be Helga, was also gentle. Not just to her, but to all things around her. The flowers, food and books. Yes the lady was a kindred spirit and Adara found her self watching over her.

Deep down, the cat sensed that there wasn't much time for the Helga to live. Her time upon earth was coming to an end and Adara felt like it was her duty, to stay by her side until then. To be there when she takes her final breath. 

Adara's perspective. 

"Midnight, come here kitty kitty."

I growled in annoyance flicking my tail in aggravation and meowed loudly, "Adara. That is my name!" Getting up I padded to the old lady and looked up expectantly. 

"We're going to go to the super market today, come one." She bent down and grabbed my middle, lifting me up into the basket. I hated being picked up but I put up with it anyways, just for her.

Helga always placed me within the food basket allowing me to ride there and to walk back. I enjoyed our trips into the city as long as it was early morning when there weren't many humans about. 

Today was rainy and I growled softly. 'I hate the water.' Thankfully she had a contraption that allowed us not to get soaked and we slowly made our way to the food place.


When we arrived I hoped down and awaited underneath a stand patiently for when she was done. I watched her closely as she inspected the items with her thin fingers. Her silver hair bobbed gently when ever she smiled, nodding her head.

I looked about the wet streets watching as the drops fell to the ground forming a puddle. A human walked up to the stall which I took shelter under. He wore shiny shoes but I could only see his legs.

"Excuse me miss." He turned to talk to my elderly human. 'This voice sounds familiar.' I got up when I heard the male laugh, just as I was about to poke my head out to see if it was Loki, I stopped short. 'There's no way he would be here.' I sat down and listened to their conversation wishing that he was here. "Do you know where I could find Stark Tower?"

My human gave him direction and off he wen't along with my hopes. 'Loki... I miss you.' My eyes got blurry but I wiped them on my paws. "Midnight, time to go home." 

I darted out from the stall and up into the arms of my human. "Aw, whats wrong deary." She stroked my fur loving. 

"If only you could understand me then I could tell you." I meowed. 

"You must be hungry. I'll heat you up a bowl of warm milk when we get home."

I sighed, at least I get milk.

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