Loki's Kittens: prologue (1st chap of book 2)

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Allll righty..... this wasn't the last chapter but the 1st of the new book. So the ending... really isn't the ending??? Bahhh, sorry if it isn't an ending you liked for this chapter but check out book 2 for an adorable chapter.

Loki was almost hyperventilating. His kitten (he still calls her that despite her size or age) has been missing for nearly a week. He went to Heimdal, asking if he knew where she was.

He merely said, "She has never left Asguard and is within the palace."

Loki went to the dinning hall where he found Thor eating an early mornings breakfast.

"Good morning brother." The God of Thunder smirked but frowned as Loki neared.

"Thor I-I'm losing my mind. Adara, she just up and vanished. I can't sleep or eat. I'm so worried. Have I done something wrong?" Loki looked as though he was going to brake down from feeling utterly lost.

Thor got up clasping his brothers shoulder, steeling him so they could see each other face to face. "It is alright brother. I will aid you best I can." Thor spoke. "Has she been acting diffrent or anything out of the norm?"

Loki thought for a second and then told Thor of the changes he's seen in Adara.


Later that day after Loki explained everything, Thor brought Jane to Asguard.

Currently the three of them sat at the table with an awkward silence as Jane processed everything she was told.

"Loki, is there anyplace secure and secluded. Like a place one can't access easily?"

Thor glanced to his brother. "The tressure vault can only be opened by father soo.."

Loki's eyes widened as he got up and hurried to the dungeon where his cell once was. The God entered, blasting through the guards; their protest falling on deafs doors.

As the God of Mischief rounded the corner to peer in his old cell, his breath hitched. On his bed, laid Adara.

"I knew it." Jane and Thor appeared beside him.

"Knew what?" He asked while Thor retrieved a guard to unlock the cell.

"Adara is pregnant."
( AN: Just to state right here, cats are pregnant to 9-10 weeks.)

Thor had to drag Loki to a pedi-stool next to the stairs near his prision. When Jane said that Adara was with litter, Thor saw his brother sway a little, bringing his hand up to his face.

"Loki?" Thor placed a hand on his shoulder, "Brother, are you all right?"

Loki took a breath in, trying to collect himself before looking up at Thor. "H-How?" Was all he could ask but the blonde merely shrugged his shoulders.


That night, Loki stayed in his old cell, sitting against the wall on his bed with Adara's head in his lap.

He silently laughed in amusement to himself. These white walls still mocked him, even after all he's been through.

He felt Adar stir from his lap and looked down to see her gazing up to him.

Adara's perspective

I must've slept hard for not knowing Loki snuck in. I didn't even hear nor smell him as he got on the bed.

As I looked up, a sinking feeling pooled in my stomach with the look he gave me. It was one that spoke, "you're in so much trouble"

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